The positive impact The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS website has made since its inception is staggering and inspirational. We are proud that it has been repeatedly described as one of the most important websites in existence about art and healing, that it offers inspiration, a sense of community and opportunity for like-minded people to establish connections and share their desire to bring about positive change in the world. If you’re not already a subscriber, please start now.
Read What People Are Saying About This Website
The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS web page inspires you to continue inspiring others. It is a beautiful tribute to all artists and their messages. ~ Sandra Albornoz
It’s filled with awe-inspiring essays. Hope, optimism and beautiful thoughts is just what is needed to remind us that there is still good in the world and that all is not lost. ~ Edward Rubin, internationally recognized arts writer
As a result of being included in your Art and Healing Organizations Resource Directory the Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals was
contacted by a funding organization in the U.S. and received a sizeable grant and financial support over a period of 10 years. ~ Elaine Poggi, Founder of the Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals
I love ‘The Healing Power of Art & Artists’ website and the positivity and hope it generates. It is very special to see Kids & Art featured in your article and an honor to be mentioned with such amazing nonprofits. We appreciate your support in our mission and your help in bringing awareness to Kids & Art. ~ Caroline Robins, Kids & Art
I love reading the stories of the other artists and their passions. ~ Jimmy Gockel
It reminds me of the power we all have to heal ourselves, each other, and our world. ~ Cathy Berman, artist
It means so much to meet people like you who are willing to work together to advance the arts in healthcare. THANK YOU!! ~ Elaine Eisenbraun, Portrait Connection,
Bravo to you Renee Phillips and your Healing Power of ART community for presenting this outstanding exhibition. As a collector of works of art primarily in mixed media I thought my knowledge was rather extensive but I learned so much from looking at the art and reading the artists’ words. The service you provide through your online exhibitions is educational and very important in increasing art appreciation. You bring our attention to new art and artists we may not have known about before. Thank you. ~ Mark, art collector in New York, NY
To Renee and staff of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS, Thank you for the hard work and effort you put into creating this website with valuable resources at no charge to visitors. I have searched far and wide and there is no other website that offers an array of art and articles packed with information related to art and healing. As a healthcare practitioner I rely on resources like yours. I am a subscriber and bought your ebook. Keep up the wonderful work you’re doing. ~ Dr. R. Goldman
Great articles, artists stories and gallery. I especially like the links to each artist for a more up front and personal view ~ Jeanne de Campos-Rousseau
I love these quotes and your articles. Thank you for creating The Healing Power of Art website. There’s nothing like it. I just signed up to receive your free weekly email newsletter so I don’t miss anything new. Keep up the wonderful contributions you’re making. We all need a place to go to get reinspired and renewed, and learn more about the many benefits of art. Thank you for providing that and much more.~ Julia Rodriguez
“What a wonderful team! I look forward to follow the unfolding this new adventure into the world!” ~ Gaia Orion, Visionary Artist
“Your newsletter, overflowing with positive news, is so very refreshing. Thanks Renee!” ~ Janis N. Senungetuk
“Your site is full of inspiration and very useful, thank you for helping artists like myself and the art community.” ~ Loretta
“This is such a fine and special format of communication that one hopes it will spread beyond any limitations. It is not only humans who are in need of healing but the planet as a whole. Surely, the more that healing and compassion is spread through our creative endeavors, the world itself must become a healthier and safer place? Thank you Renee! Your ideas, diligence and care are an inspiration to us all.” ~ Keith Morant
“Bless you Renee! YOU are at the forefront of promoting Art & Healing! For that we are grateful! ~ France Garrido
“Awe-Inspiring Stories”
This website has made me even more aware of the vast variety of creativity by talented artists and it has expanded my appreciation of art. ~ Joan Metcalf
The thing I enjoy the most about ‘The Healing Power of Art & Artists website is the articles. It is very inspiring to read about other artists and the stories they share. ~ Tracey Lee Cassin
The awe-inspiring stories of courage, healing and strength. They remind us of the beauty residing in each of us. These stories not only inspire but allow our souls to believe. ~ Mary Mirabal
I love to see other artists art and different mediums of art, which in turn inspires me to do more! ~ Sharon Vettoretto
I absolutely like The Healing Power of Art & Artists since it echoes my feeling about art as an artist and a collector. Plus I truly appreciate the fact that it is open to all kind of arts around the world, and gives a real hint of today’s artworld trends. ~ Gaud Sculpture
I like that its purpose is the benefit of artists, business people and ultimately the audience the healing work is created for. It is rare to find opportunities that are so direct with their audience, and operating as a virtual space eliminates limiting factors that are inevitable with physical locations. The website is about the work and making connections happen. Thank you! ~ Sarah Heitmeyer
Multiple features for both artists and art organizations. A place to find relevant articles and people with the same goals and passions. To see artwork and hear how it helped. ~ Elaine Griffith
Your website has a positive angle and is a fantastic resource! I will be sharing it with my high school art students and consuming all the information and art you have collected. ~ Marsha Yates
“Opportunities for Artists”
I am very thankful to be one of your Healing Power of Art Artists. I was just contacted by a researcher from a project that is Part of an MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology run by the Alef Trust and accredited by Liverpool John Moores University. She found me through the Healing Power of Art and Artists website. The study researches stories of people using the creative process to depict experiences beyond the boundary of ordinary consciousness. The researcher was intrigued by my description of the Cosmic Resurgence Series. Thank you so much for everything you do, Renee, and opening the doors for us artists to connect to a larger audience. With love and gratitude, Dorit Brauer, The Brauer Institute for Holistic Medicine, Author & Artist Dorit Brauer,
This is a wonderful exhibition Renee. Thank you for all you do for artists around the globe. And, Thank you so much for including my ink painting in this fabulous exhibit with such talented artists. I am honored to be a part of it the extraordinary group. ~ Casey Shannon
Renee, Thank you for selecting one of my paintings to include in your exhibit of “Our Bond with Nature”. Painting is a solitary profession as you know, so being part of an exhibit of artwork by artists with similar inspirations and varied techniques on the same subject is very gratifying for me. It is such a beautiful exhibit that I have forwarded it to several people who need cheering at the moment and have been receiving thanks for an uplifting experience. ~ Joan Metcalf
Thank you for attracting so many positive, life-affirming artists and their creations, and for giving us all an opportunity to meet each other and bring our gifts together to broadcast the spirits of peace, love and harmony. Exhibitions by some other businesses do not attract the same kind of energy. I chose to be uplifted and surrounded by art and artists who bring those uplifting energies! ~ Teri Leigh Teed
Renee, this is a magnificent exhibition! All of the artist’s are so incredible and their work is amazing! We are so honored to be a part of this healing arts community! Thank you for the award! ~ Shel Waldman
Renee, thank you so much for including my work in this stunning online exhibition. When I look at the wide variety of nature-inspired work gathered here, I’m filled with hope. With so many artists communicating a message of oneness with our natural world, how can viewers fail to be touched? I’m honored to be in the company of such dedicated and talented artists whose work comes from the same source and shares the same purpose as my own. ~ Sharmon Davidson
“A Diversity of Positive Art”
To see the work of artists who are consciously infusing their art with healing grace is a great source of inspiration to me. ~ Lynn Hanley
Renee, this is a wonderful representation of artists whose images wake up ones senses to peace, beauty and love. How perfect if we could hold onto these moments with all who inhabit our restless world. Lovely! ~ Lisa Freidus (about “Art About Love, Peace, Harmony and Unity by Artist Members”
Renee —–as usual a really beautiful show!!! Keep up the excellent work!! ~ Poul Nielsen
So many amazing works! Each one has such depth and emotion in addition to visual beauty. Wonderful job, Renee! ~ Eris Saari
Especially in these uncertain and unprecedented times, I keep coming back to view this gorgeous assortment of healing art. It is such an honor to have my work included amongst all of the talent and beautiful intentions here. Thank you, Renee, for always doing a fabulous job! ~ Karen Johnston
There is a diversity of art there with each piece affording the viewer a calming pause to reflect, recalibrate and reboot.~ Eugenie Diserio
Overshadowed by the “investment/money making dynamic” of the art industry the artwork itself is often overlooked for its power to communicate emotion. The need for “Healing” and “regeneration” in daily life is underserved. The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS website calls attention to this and offers a way forward for both acute and chronic disease sufferers. ~ Rajul Shah
Thank you for including me in this beautiful and relevant show. So many wonderful artists, diverse styles and interpretations creating thoughtful pieces to open new minds and inspire new perspectives.~ Tina Alberni
“A Place to Meet and Opportunity to Help Others”
I am so happy to have come across your community and site through my own research. It fills me with joy to find like minded people striving to bring art to the forefront of mental and emotional well being. ~ Sheila Darcey
This is a place to be to meet different artists and read their stories. It helps inspire those whose art means more than just a paint brush and canvas. ~ Renata Bosnjak
Renee, As usual, such an outpouring of resources and opportunity for the art community. For those of us who especially seek art for healing this is invaluable and gives opportunity to extend if they need to be added. ~ Vicki P. Maguire
What I like best is that there is actually an organisation for the healing power of art, I love the art shown. ~ Hiske Bain
As an artist working from home exploring rughooking as a healing art, this website connects me to other artists with a similar vision. I love this sense of community. ~ Meryl Cook
It’s a hub where one can access many opportunities, ideas, and resources that are art-related. ~ Leanne Hamilton
For me this website is home. ~ Jane Mishkind
As the artist/owner of a company that produces “playful art with heart” designed to lift people’s spirits, I am delighted to discover your website! Thank you for your art shows, articles, and above all – for providing a gathering place for uplifting art. I can’t wait for your 2020 show! ~ Sue Sarah Gilbert
The Healing Power of Art & Artists website promotes a shared belief that art is healing; both to the artist and to the viewer. This viewpoint mirrors the message I hope to convey with my paintings. Thank you! ~ Jacqueline Doyle Allison
“It Educates Us”
“Your online exhibitions are really one of the few places where art and writing are regularly paired. I think it is impactful and helps viewers not only better appreciate the art but also helps them to better understand the artist.” ~ Karen Johnston
The best about The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS website is that it educates us by providing us information about various important topics. ~ Anu Puri
Always looking for thought-provoking quotes, especially artists. It helps my students to better understand the person behind the painting. Art is timeless, but knowing something more about who created it and what was happening in their world gives us insight into their soul. Thank you for this thoroughly magnificent collection! ~ Ken Patterson
I am doing Lincoln Douglass Debate on “Saving cultural and artistic achievements are worth risking one’s life.” I have used some of your quotes. ~ Gen
The intention to share the healing power of art and the stories of artists who have shared their life experiences. ~ Suzanne Frazier
The fact that there is a site in itself to show healing art can be. And that illness of any kind should be talked about, not shamed. ~ Dana E Langenbrunner
I am inspired by how many styles and media there are, all trying to express the same thing in different languages: Humanity. ~ Tracy Ellyn
The positive energy woven throughout, in the words, in the art, in the concepts presented. ~ Valerie Ostenak
Tactical evidence of value of making art resulting in healing; encouragement to artists to create art for a reason; resources to continue the journey to impact others through art. ~ Anne Gregory
I enjoy the variety of art and artists that are featured on The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS website. ~ Jackie Wood
(About Art Enhances Brain Function and Well-Being) I actually find this really interesting. I’m doing a project in schools why the fine art shouldn’t be the first ones to be cut if there’s a budget concern and this helped me a lot on my research. Thank you for making this article. ~ College Student
“A Place of Hope, Peace and Healing”
The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS website is a wonderful possibility that offers to the public and to us artists, the opportunity to share our healing experiences through our artistic languages in order to learn to heal in so many ways. ~ Ana Liska de Nuyens
I LOVE your website because after many years of doing it alone, I can finally be among other “visionary” artists who understand, use, and bring to those in need the healing power of Art. Thank you for creating this sacred place. ~ Helen Kagan
I am at home recovering and what a blessing to receive your news art letter. Thank you thank is only what I can say! I am flat on my back, and iPad in view I am now being entertained. Blessings keep safe and healthy!
~ Kristine M Smith
What inspires me most about The Healing Power of ART and ARTiSTS website is what it stands for and that is Healing Through Arts. It is also heartwarming to see how diverse the backgrounds of artists are, the different genres and how artists from different parts of the world get together in one place to make a stand and commitment to Heal the World with Arts. ~ Hanna Supetran
Recently, I was asked by Renee Phillips, director of Manhattan Arts International, to do an interview about H.O.P.E. as part of the “Artists as World Changers” series on the Healing Power of Art & Artists website. I was humbled by Renee’s sincere interest in hearing our story, learning more about it, and wanting to share. Her vision and continual effort to draw more love and light into our world is amazing. ~ Karen Johnston
When viewing, the art works offers me a sense of peace, positive thoughts and emotions. They calm my concerns and enhance my sense of well being, ~ Lea Goldman
The consistent quality, thoughtful, and informative presentation of the artists passion for creating. ~ James Campbell
I am happy to see a website dedicated to healing through art, giving a new meaning to “healing arts”. Thank you for creating it! I also appreciate that you are sharing so much art dedicated to healing with the world. ~ Gwendalin Aranya
Thanks Renee. I feel really excited to have the energy contained within my painting now being shared out on the world stage. It’s truly amazing work that you are doing. ~ Clare Caldwell
Dear Renée, every single post, and article you share keeps enriching and elevating my life as a professional artist. Thank you so much! ~ Zahava Sherez
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