Has mental illness affected anyone you know? If so, you know the impact can be devastating for the sufferer and their loved ones. You may also know that art helps individuals with mental illness.
Through the efforts of numerous non-profit organizations that incorporate art programs people battling psychological disorders have hope and ways to cope with their struggles. Organizations like these also help to raise awareness and educate the rest of the population about mental illness and remove the stigma associated with the conditions.
In this article I share a few of them and their missions with you. It is important to applaud them for their service and support them in any way we can.
Please Share and Help Others
Most importantly, sufferers need to know there is a place for them to go. Please share this article. In doing so you may prevent someone from harming themselves or another.
These organizations also need financial donations, art supplies, volunteers, ambassadors, printing services, social media assistance, and many other means of support. Why not lend a hand?

Aurora Studio & Gallery
Aurora Studio & Gallery aurorastudio-gallery.com, in Asheville, North Carolina, collaborates with local artists and healing arts instructors and offers classes for artists affected by mental health needs, homelessness and/or addiction. It has been offering classes to artists in recovery since the summer of 2013. “The studio provides artists with the space and art supplies to explore their personal creativity, which they could not otherwise obtain or afford. The integrative structure and community support provided by Aurora Studio & Gallery enables artists to heal, grow and thrive.”
To Write Love on Her Arms – TWLOHA
TWLOHA is a non-profit organization twloha.com was founded by Jamie Tworkowski in March 2006. She didn’t set out to start a nonprofit organization. All he wanted to do was help a friend and tell her story. When Jamie met Renee Yohe, she was struggling with addiction, depression, self-injury, and suicidal thoughts. You can learn more about what happened after that on the website. Part of TWLOHA’s mission is, “to make sure people are informed about mental health issues. Our hope is that sharing knowledge and truth about mental health will combat the stigma surrounding it.”
Our Phoenix Rises
Our Phoenix Rises idealist.org founded by Mrs. Phoebe Margrill-Nix, is a nonprofit organization providing grants for an education in the arts to low-income individuals struggling with mental illness, addiction or sexual violence so that they may experience personal growth and have the opportunity to share their voices for the betterment of their communities.
Art Therapy
Art Therapy encourages self-expression, self-discovery, and emotional growth in a non-judgmental atmosphere. According to the American Art Therapy Association, “Art Therapy is a mental health profession in which clients, facilitated by the art therapist, use art media, the creative process, and the resulting artwork to explore their feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, foster self-awareness, manage behavior and addictions, develop social skills, improve reality orientation, reduce anxiety, and increase self-esteem.”
Our Calls For Artists
At its best art has the power to heal, inspire, provoke, challenge and offer hope. It can transform our physiological state and perception. It also has the power to awaken us to become more conscious about important issues affecting individuals, society and the planet.
The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS website presents online exhibitions, featuring more than 30 artists, on various themes. Find out more.
This is perfect. I want to see what I can do to help others. We all deserve it to help each other. And art is a good concept to have.
I’m an artist with a masters in professional counseling creating art for awareness about various qualities and feelings behind mental illness diagnoses. I would love to be involved in helping a cause like this!
Dear Rebecca, Thank you for visiting our website and writing a comment. With your interest and educational background I’m sure there would be many organizations eager to hear from you. Please visit our page of Art & Healing Organizations & Programs where you’ll find almost 100 resources. And, please check out our Call for Artists page if you’re interested in possibly participating in one of our upcoming exhibitions. All the best to you!
Thanks for the Support Renee, really helped with my mental illness.
I love that there are organizations out there that dedicate their time to healing others with art. Not only do I believe that doing art can help with mental illness, but just having some paintings of relaxing scenes can help as well. You could even give individuals with mental illnesses paintings as gifts.
Bethany, it’s a wonderful idea to give art as gifts. Art has the potential to transform any environment and have a positive impression on our mental attitude.
I left a comment but idk what happen to it. I just wanted to let you know that i’m using parts of this article for a class project on how arts can help mental illness.
Dear Renee,
This subject should get the attention of the medical field , who right now is only focused on treating it with meds and to some point “voluntary” incarceration in those so called , assistant living communities. A total dead end and very much hopeless.
I am mature visual artist here in Tucson, Az and very much trying to connect this idea of where the Arts can make an impact in the lives of those poor souls, but there is very limited material to back me up.
For me personally , is a response to the way the “system” is excluding this avenue of support that we can bring to make aging a hopeful and a more positive phase of life.
I am also trying to turn the wheel on my art career , which I had to put it on hold for too many years, the fire is still there.
Would love to stay in touch with you and my beloved Big Apple !
Yours truly,
Devy Wolff.
Dear Devy, Thank you for your comment and interest in the mission of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS. Please stay in touch, subscribe to our free email newsletter and enjoy the articles about art, artists and the power of art to heal. All the best, Renee