The Healing Power of Art is undeniable. It raises awareness. Its benefits are versatile and far-reaching. Art is a catalyst for positive transformation in all areas of human development and personal growth. Art has the potential to raise awareness about our individuality and humanity, our relationship to others and our bond with our environment.

If it were not for the artist we would suffer from stagnation, despair and chaos. Artists who use art as an instrument to increase our levels of higher consciousness and activate positive change are invaluable contributors to our society.
It has been scientifically proven that certain works of art have significant healing properties and can affect a person’s physiology, impact brain wave patterns and the nervous system, and actually raise serotonin levels. Visual images that contain specific qualities can lift us up and bring a rush of positive feelings. Other images can also shock us into viewing aspects of reality and conditions and propel us into taking steps forward. Both are essential if we are to advance and attain our fullest human potential.
Throughout history we have seen how art has transformed civilizations. In the microcosm of New York City alone, we have experienced enormous cultural and financial developments as a result of the emergence and migration of various artists’ studios and galleries. The economic landscape of NYC continues to shift as a result of artistic fluctuation.
In the last decade we have seen a growth in the healthcare art market and increased placement of art in medical centers, healthcare facilities, rehabilitation venues, and public hospitals. The knowledge that the right type of art can positively impact and accelerate the healing process has been proven in many types of research and medical studies.
Art serves as a continuous reflection of our philosophies, religions, cosmologies, and world views. Art most definitely educates, inspires, impacts and alters individuals as well as society at large. Without art we would become dehumanized.
I would love to learn how to transform lives through various form of Arts!
Thanking you
Luv@ Lite
Thank you for explaining the power of art to heal. I consider myself an artist who creates art to help heal. I was not sure how to explain what I do and you have helped explain the Power of art being a healing agent for the artist and the viewer.