We were delighted to present the “Art That Lifts Our Spirits” Exhibition for Seekers of Inspirational Artwork, August 15 – October 15, 2019. This exhibition presented outstanding art and statements by more than 50 artists from around the world. We received many excellent entries making the curatorial process extremely challenging. Ultimately, I chose those images that reflect innovation and technical prowess, retain our interest, suit the theme, and demonstrate that art has the capacity to positively transform one’s physiological state and perception. The exhibition served as a resource for art buyers and art consultants seeking uplifting art for their homes and offices as well as for healthcare and wellness venues.
Award of Excellence Winners: Terri Albanese, Sandra Belitza-Vazquez, Anne Bevan, Kari Bienert, Lisa Botto-Lee, Patti Bradeis, Donna L. Byers, James Campbell, Mary Chaplin, Andre Chatelain, Len Cicio, Ann Croghan, Christine Debrosky, Dara Dodson, Patrick Fleming, Mary Gerakaris, Julia Gostling, Manon Germain, Kristy Goggio, Edward Gonzalez, John Davis Held, Melanie Hood, Karen Johnston, Janet Jordan, Agnes Jorgensen, Helen Kagan, Bonnie Kamhi, Candace Knapp, Irmtraud Kogler, Steve Leonard, Esther Kongo Lo, Sandra Lett, Claudia Marulanda, Barbara Markoff, Katherine McNeill, Joan Metcalf, David Montgomery, Elizabeth Nguyen-Espinoza, Poul Nielsen, Denisa Prochazka, Nancy Reyner, Alan M. Richards, A. E. Richardson, Roslyn Rose, Gordon M. Scott, Casey Shannon, Annie Shraver-Crandell, Karen Shulman, Marlene Siff, James Sondow, Ober-Rae Starr Livingstone, Ronald V. Sullivan, Teri Leigh Teed, Carla Thomson, Peter N. Van Giesen, and Elizabeth Weiss.
Award of Merit Winners: David Coblitz, Jocelyn Cruz, Monica Gewurz, Elaine Hahn, Janis Kirstein, Craig Lawver, Mary Mirabal, Dorothy Bury Shaw, Lori Sweet, Carolyn WarmSun, Cheryl Widener, and Sandra Duran Wilson.
About Us: An initiative of Manhattan Arts International, founded in 1983, this website promotes the belief that ART has the power to provide a sense of well-being and heal, inspire, provoke, challenge and offer hope. ART also serves as a positive catalyst for raising awareness about individuals, society and the environment. (Read “About Us”.)
Curator’s Statement and Criteria: “This Online Art Exhibition ‘Art That Lifts Our Spirits’ offers viewers the opportunity to experience a powerful transformation through visual art. The art reflects technical prowess and originality, impacts me viscerally in a positive manner, and fits the theme. Before selecting the top finalists I also visited the artists’ websites to learn more about them and their art.” ~ Renée Phillips
Thank you kindly Renee for featuring me with an award of excellence! This is both exciting and affirming and helps compel me to continue creating.
May I display my art in the exhibition if or when I can enter it,thank you.
Hi Carl, I’m sorry the entry deadline for this exhibition was in July, 2019. If you would like to find out about our future calls for artists please subscribe to our free email newsletter.
subscribed thank you.!
Renee, I would just like to sincerely thank you for including my painting “Sandra’s Garden”, in “Art That Lifts Our Spirits”. It’s very humbling for me to have my work to be included with so many fine artists. It is greatly appreciated, thank you.
Hi Patrick, It is a pleasure to include “Sandra’s Garden” in “Art That Lifts Our Spirits”. I loved all of your entries. They are joyful and beautifully created with a unique approach to composition, space and congruence. Best regards, Renee
Each and every piece brings out a sense of calm, kindness, happiness, or hope. Thank you for putting together an online art show that reminds everyone to revel in the beauty of the day.
What an honor to be featured along such an exceptional pool of talents. It is so exhilarating to see the wide spectrum of creativity in this extraordinary exhibit. Thank you Renee for your incredible vision!
Esther Kong Lo/Sculptor
A beautiful collection of stunning works that inspire me to push myself ever further as an artist! Thank you Renee, for including me with an Award of Merit.
An extraordinary exhibit! Congratulations to all the artists.
Glad to be included in this exhibition. What a wonderful grouping of artists and artwork! I will spend alot of time viewing it all. Thank you Renee!
Hi Nancy, thank you so much for your participation. Your art is the perfect fit for an online art exhibition about how art lifts our spirits!
A wonderful eclectic exhibition Renee . Congratulation to all the artists!
Renee—–Thankyou much for including my work in “Art That Lifts Our Spirits”. It’s an honor to have my painting shown with so many fine artists moving in a similar direction. All celebrating life and spirit. Thankyou for your continued support !!! Best wishes—–poul
What a lovely exhibition and talented group of artists. Thank you Renee for your expert work. Congratulations to all.