Living Life and Art With Passion, Gratitude and Courage
I wrote articles about my dear friend Joanne Turney several years ago and it was published in Professional Artist magazine and also Luxe Beat magazine. I was reminded about it today and decided to publish it here on The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS website with some changes. It is a part of the “Artists Stories” series and also joins our many articles about “Artists Who Transform Tragedy into Triumph”.
In March, 2022, Joanne will celebrate her 93rd birthday. As a breast cancer survivor she in the best of health and lives life with joy and an unwavering positive attitude. She refuses to accept the notion of “old age” and refers to this time in her life as “advanced youth.”
Transformation and Metamorphosis, acrylic on canvas, 48″ x 36″
Joanne Turney is an active senior and accomplished abstract painter, author, and classical pianist. I’ve had the good fortune of knowing her for more than 20 years. She has served as an important positive role model for me and many other individuals who are blessed to know her.
We can learn from Joanne who has mastered the art of living in the present and celebrates life with daily gratitude and reverence. She views aging as an opportunity for growth and transformation…
“I now face all challenges with gratitude because I know they are my teachers and they give me opportunities for positive growth and guidance.” ~ Joanne Turney
Joanne Turney’s dramatic award-winning art has been influenced by her extensive world travels, having lived in the colorful Costa Del Sol, in Spain. Her successful art career includes many international exhibitions, including a one-person exhibition at La Casa de Cultura, Estepona, Spain, and several gallery exhibitions in New York, NY.
Her art work is in many private collections worldwide such as International Resources Corporation, in Washington, D.C.; Mallorcan Properties International, Palma de Mallorca, Spain; and Hyatt Hotel, Arlington, VA.
“The Art of Healing” ~ 13 Paintings Created After Her Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Shown here is “Home Free”, a painting by Joanne Turney.
Joanne Turney’s spiritual foundation has provided strength during challenging times. When she was diagnosed with breast cancer she explained that her initial reaction was shock and devastation. Shortly afterward she asked the question: “God, what shall I do about this situation?” She recalls, the answer she received was loud and clear: “Paint.”
This life-changing event gave birth to her extraordinary series titled “The Art of Healing” — thirteen paintings that depict the emotional stages of her battle against and eventual recovery from breast cancer.
This important series expresses the universal feelings associated with loss, suffering, fear, faith, hope and healing.
During the painting process Turney experienced a healing transformation. She is pleased that the paintings also serve as inspiration and hope for viewers. She has donated several paintings from this series to a healing facility.
“The Art of Joyful Aging” ~ Her Book that Celebrates the Benefits

This exuberant red-haired woman shows no sign of slowing down. In a recent conversation she discussed her plans to create another new series of paintings in addition to volunteering in a major art museum. In addition to her charity work she has served as a volunteer for the White House during two different administrations.
The artist declares emphatically, “My thoughts create my life!”. She refuses to accept the notion of “old age” and refers to this time in her life as “advanced youth.”
Determined to replace the negative stereotypes that society attaches to aging she created a book titled “The Art of Joyful Aging”. This book contains more than ninety color life-affirming “Teeny Turney” paintings that celebrate the positive benefits of aging.
Adjacent to her paintings in the book are quotations from famous people through the ages as well as ordinary folks, friends and relatives. A famous quotation by Pablo Picasso appears: “It has taken a long time to become young.”
Turney has presented many inspirational talks and has raised money for different charities through sales of her book and her art work.
It should be within hand’s reach on every one’s book shelf and coffee table as a constant reminder of the how to excel in the art of living.
(Unfortunately her book “The Art of Joyful Aging” is no longer available to purchase.)
Her “Pictures At An Exhibition” Paintings
Joanne’s background as a classical pianist and teacher is a key influence in her art work. In fact, a recent series of paintings were inspired by “Pictures At An Exhibition”, composed by Mussorgsky. These paintings exude her mastery of color, composition and rhythm. They exemplify her spontaneous painting process that combines her technical prowess with innate trust that allows the creative process to flow without interference.
The artist’s unbridled color palette ranges from passionate vermillion red to cool cerulean blue. Throughout her canvases we witness tactile crackled surfaces as they erupt and coalesce with fluid pools in a continuous symphony of harmony and contrast.
“Il Vechio Castello”, acrylic on canvas, 48″ x 36″, from Joanne Turney’s “Pictures At An Exhibition” series.
Joanne Turney is the only woman I know who was married to the same man for 63 years. Sadly, he died several years ago. In her inimitable spirit she has faced this difficult time with tremendous courage and credits her faith for providing the comfort she needs.
She greets the dawn of each day with an expression of appreciation and recites approximately sixty positive affirmations. A favorite one of hers is, “I now face all challenges with gratitude because I know they are my teachers and they give me opportunities for positive growth and guidance.”
Detail of “The Ballet of the Unhatched Chickens” by Joanne Turney, from her “Pictures At An Exhibition” series.
Joanne knows the importance of living life fully guided by a generosity of spirit, faith, creative expression, and positive purpose. She reminds us of this statement expressed by Eleanor Roosevelt that appears in her book: “I could not at any age, be content to take my place in a corner by the fireside and simply look on.”
Wow! Just what I needed to hear (read). Terrific inspiration. Thank you.
Thank you Casey. I just called Joanne to and read your comment to her. She is so happy to know she inspired you. All the best, Renee
Wonderful woman spirit, thank you! May I learn from you. Inspirational. I appreciate the intersection of music and painting.
Thank you Kathryn, after reading your comment I called Joanne and read it to her. It brought her so much joy! Best wishes to you, Renee