We know that throughout art history artists have been inspired by other artists. We thought you might be interested to know which ones inspired our artist members and why. We recently asked them to tell us and the requirement was the artist they chose had to be renowned, so you could learn more about them on en.wikipedia.org. Through this article, as our artist members tell us about famous artists who have inspired them, you may increase your appreciation and understanding about our members and their art. Perhaps you can see the sparks of inspiration in their artwork.
You will also gain more knowledge about art history. We also hope you will discover new correlations between artists across time, as you read, compare, explore, and expand your knowledge. I’m sure the following artists will continue to move the flow of inspiration, serving to inspire us and artists who follow for many years. Please visit the artists’ pages and contact them directly to follow them, learn more about them, and purchase their art.
Sandra Belitza-Vazquez

Marquerite Bourke-White was a woman after my own heart. Intrepid and undaunted in everything she did, she exposed the beauty of industrial forms in the steel mills she photographed, revealed disparities of race and class in her photojournalism work, and was the first female war correspondent during World War II. She was an adventure seeker like myself and seemed able to place herself where she would produce historic and forever memorable work. Photographing atop a Chrysler Building gargoyle with a view camera impressed me, while her image of the survivors of Buchenwald left an indelible mark on my heart.
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I was inspired by Ansell Adams photography, and when I was asked to teach photography I purchased history books the camera, the negative, the print And use them in my teaching in 1989