Artists develop special relationships with their chosen mediums and it’s exciting to know how and why they select the ones they do. An artist may choose a particular medium and remain with it for a lifetime, while other artists may begin new relationships as their artwork evolves. Each medium offers a myriad of different technical and creative advantages as well as challenges.
You’ll read about The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS artist members of the online art gallery who have told us what they love about their favorite medium and reasons for using it.
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Andre Chatelain

I am an oil painter artist. My medium of choice is oil on canvas. I love the richness, the feeling, even the smell of oil. I challenge myself with the old-master’s technique with a personal and contemporary touch.
Agnes Jorgensen

My favorite medium is oils. I love the buttery, creamy texture and how I can apply layer upon layer of rich, vibrant colors with soft gestures to reveal illuminating effects. Working with oils also gives me the flexibility of applying thick layers of paint with a palette knife.
Sandra Belitza-Vazquez

My camera is an extension of me on an endless journey of discovery. The discovery of the design in nature and how man incorporates that into human-made structures. The discovery of the diversity of life on earth. The discovery of the differences and similarities of the world’s cultures. The discovery of the precariousness of life itself, and possibly the most important, the discovery of how to maintain memories of people, places, and things through time. The camera lens reveals details upon inspection of the image that allows for introspection, study, and understanding of a moment in time.
Peter N. Van Giesen

I have grown to love work with professional grade acrylic paint – so vibrant and highly adaptive.
Roopa Dudley

My favorite medium is acrylic. I started using it in 2011 because it is environmentally friendly unlike oils which until that time has been my preferred medium for many years. I also suffer from asthma and refuse to wear gloves when painting which is not prudent if you are using oil Paints high in lead, cadmiums and other toxic chemicals. In my case, it really was a win win situation. I also quickly discovered to my delight that acrylics dry much faster and has the gouache like opaqueness to it with permanency which was an added plus. For the type of paintings I do, acrylic is exactly the medium for me.
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