I hope you enjoy this series of Artists Featured in Art Reviews launched by a desire to introduce you to more superior artists who create positive, inspirational, healing art. They share our belief that art has the potential to serve as a catalyst for positive change for individuals, society and the environment.
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As an avid arts writer, with 30 years experience, it is always a pleasure to give more artists the international publicity they deserve which this website provides. ~ Renée Phillips, Founder, Director, Curator, Manhattan Arts International and The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS
Art Reviews
All Art Reviews are written by Renée Phillips.
Quick Links to Artists’ Pages: Eva Breitfuß * Cheraine Collette * Nicole Cromwell * Dr. Michael Durst * Marianne Goldyn * Luba Shapiro Grenader * Sharon Grimes * Corina Ioana * Sandy Iseli * Susan Jarecky * Fadia Haddad Jawdat * Akshita Lad * Mark Levin * Chalda Maloff * Britt Michaelian * Morgan Jane Miller * Poul Nielsen * Natalie Oliphant * Kristen Palana * Steevie Jane Parks * Mitchell Rodbell * Rina Rox * Rajul Shah * Rohit Shah * Marni Spencer-Devlin * Carole Claude T. * Alison Thomas * Romeo Varga * Liisa Viima * Shirley Wallitsch
Artists are arranged in alphabetical order with one of their artworks.
Their names will take you to their Art Review pages.
Art Reviews Published in 2024-2025
Cheraine Collette

Cherain creates resplendent photographic paintings steeped with enlightened symbolic and metaphysical references. Her allegorical panoramas of astonishing beauty and splendor lure us into mystical and mysterious realms…
Nicole Cromwell

Nicole creates transcendent paintings that portray luminous, and aspirational interpretations of the natural world. The magnificent, miraculous beauty of our universe permeates throughout her portfolio…
Marianne Goldyn

Marianne creates life-affirming “SoulChi” works of art that illuminate our paths to higher consciousness. Her creative contributions bring much needed restoration to us individually and to our society.
Luba Shapiro Grenader

Luba integrates original drawings with “found” materials in visceral 3-d art. She evokes profound insight into human psychology that summons introspection and transformation…
Sharon Grimes

Sharon creates gorgeous abstract expressionist paintings that are imbued with a radiant evanescent glow, rhythmic forms, and luscious tactile surfaces. They immediately captivate us…
Akshita Lad

Akshita’s “Soft Impression” series is a resplendent and transcendent collection of landscape paintings. She captures the palpable, healing, and tranquil essence of the natural world…
Mark Levin

Mark creates masterful wood sculpture and artful furniture. He combines aesthetic beauty with functionality. His art exudes a sublime elegance and an innate natural beauty that radiates harmony and renewal…
Britt Michaelian

Britt’s transformative paintings are infused with spiritual intuition and healing modalities. They emanate a universal presence of equilibrium, tranquility, and restoration…
Morgan Jane Miller

Morgan creates breathtaking, serene photographs that express her passionate connection to the sea. With utmost sensitivity she conveys how the sea is is an ever-changing emotive source of healing energy…
Poul Nielsen

Poul creates illuminating and meditative paintings that capture the magical, mystical and intrinsic healing power of nature. His masterful understanding of the impact of color awakens our senses…
Kristen Palana

Kristen’s transformative “Sacred Geometry” series reflects her proficiency in conceptualizing the interplay of symbolic imagery to express spirituality, universal harmony and healing energy…
Steevie Jane Parks

Steevie is highly proficient in applying the dynamics of color theory and integrates a range of hues with organic and curvilinear elements. Her art engages viewers visually and viscerally…
Mitchell Rodbell

Mitchell creates resplendent nature-inspired paintings. With an exuberant color palette and gestural, tactile brushstrokes he produces rhythmic compositions that exude feelings of enchantment, bliss and harmony…
Rina Rox

Rina is a contemporary abstract artist who transports us to spiritual, visceral and universal realms. She skillfully integrates color, texture, space and design with profound insight, and a bold, inspired sense of spontaneity…
Rajul Shah

Rajul’s “Renewal” series of abstract color field paintings provides viewers with an expansive awareness through her artistic interpretations of the concepts of Kintsugi and Chakras…
Rohit Shah

Rohit’s arresting paintings illuminate his superior proficiency in the realm of Abstract Expressionism, with his expert and spontaneous use of color, gestural brushstrokes, and design…
Marni Spencer-Devlin

Marni is a color virtuoso with a bold, sophisticated and confident approach to creating large-scale sculptural paintings. They emanate a scintillating healing energy that revitalizes the viewer…
Alison Thomas

Allison creates sublime nature-inspired digital photographs that lift our spirits. Her atmospheric images are infused with enlightening metaphorical and poetic sensibilities…
Art Reviews Published in 2023
Eva Breitfuß

Eva’s paintings transport us on an enthralling, multi-dimensional, visceral journey of transcendent self-discovery. A profusion of abstract styles culminates in her versatile artistic vocabulary…
Dr. Michael Durst

Michael is an artistic messenger of elation, hope, and wellbeing. He combines his masterful skills in color with his proficiency for conveying his love for humanity, nature, and all living creatures…
Corina Ioana

Corina conveys a vision of the miraculous natural world and human aspirations and their interconnections. She combines her emotive use of color and multi-faceted skills in photography and digital art…
Sandy Iseli

Sandi creates resplendent paintings that convey her spiritual connection and reverence for the natural world. She illuminates the quintessence of all seasons with their intrinsic and diverse qualities and poetic splendor…
Susan Jarecky

Susan creates breathtaking, awe-inspiring paintings that are imbued with extraordinary luminosity. In her spiritually uplifting paintings she extols the many sublime virtues of the American West..
Fadia Haddad Jawdat

Fadia is a remarkable storyteller with a profound artistic vision. Her art is infused with meaningful visual concepts that evoke myriad visceral and thought-provoking interpretations…
Chalda Maloff

Chalda creates life-affirming, nature-inspired artwork enriched with arresting luminosity. She conveys a profound understanding of our relationship with co-existing life forces…
Natalie Oliphant

Natalie, an important eco-artist, has an extraordinary talent for transforming body forms and mannequins and other discarded items into new life-affirming sculptures…
Carole Claude T.

Carole, a natural story-teller creates narratives that enlighten us and ignite our sense of childlike wonder and curiosity about the universe, spirituality, human experience, and nature…
Romeo Varga

Romeo takes giant steps forward with innovative artistic vision. His art conveys profound insight into humanity and resonates on an individual and universal level…
Liisa Viima

Liisa’s enlightened works of art originate from a wellspring of authenticity and convey her desire to share joyful and empowering messages of resilience, triumph, and hope…
Shirley Wallitsch

Shirley’s oil paintings emanate a resounding vibrant medley of colors and forms. Textural qualities applied with spontaneity bring a luscious depth, dimension, and luminosity…
I was a part of one of your initiatives in your organization at one time. Due to changes in my life and my responsibilities, I lost contact with you. I would like to participate with you again as I love creating art or plagiarizing “God’s creations.” Please respond at your convenience as to how I can be included in your group of healing artists. Thank you!
Hi Sandra, It’s wonderful for you to stop by, become reunited with us, and write your comment. Although our online gallery membership is currently full, please consider becoming a member. Visit this page for details. And, as a Friend, you will be invited to participate in our “Invitational Exhibitions”. Let us know!