“Artists For World Peace 2018” was a juried online exhibition presented by The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS, curated by Renée Phillips, in celebration of International Peace Day, September 21, 2018. The exhibition featured more than 60 artists through December 21, 2018.
For this exhibition we asked artists worldwide to submit one work of art that communicates the spirit of world peace and their statement or a famous quotation.
The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS, an initiative of Manhattan Arts International, is a growing global community of artists, advocates, and writers dedicated to raising awareness about how ART serves as a positive catalyst for enhancing the well-being of individuals, society and the environment. We believe that art has the power to heal, inspire, provoke, challenge and offer hope. To learn about upcoming exhibitions please become a subscriber to our free email newsletter.
Important Notice: The copyright to all artwork shown on The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS website belongs to each artist. All rights reserved. Do not reproduce images without the written consent of the artist.
Here are some of the artists’ work from “Artists For World Peace 2018”
Deborah Milton

I wish I were a gargantuan version of me, so I could swoop the planet onto my lap and croon, “There there, it’s gonna be all right.” From my point of view as Earth’s daughter, all I want to do is protect her from further harm. May we all remember that love sometimes requires sacrifice. Do we love life enough? deborahmiltonartist.com
Lisa Botto Lee

Imagine a country where ideas are encouraged, values embraced and diversity celebrated. Imagine a lady in a harbor holding the torch of freedom illuminating the dark and huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Imagine a term that sums up the human experience “E Pluribus Unum”… from many one. Imagine an ideal called America rather than the geography that defines her borders. Imagine. lisabottolee.com
Hiske Tas Bain

All people of different races and religions living together in harmony. No greed. Just love.
Kathryn Rutherford

Buddha wrote, “Peace comes from within”. Balance the inner body, according to the rainbow coloured symbols and beliefs of the Chakra, and mankind’s inner self finds peace, acceptance, and understanding. Only by finding inner peace can one release the symbolic butterfly of metamorphosis that will go forth and affect change. Heal yourself then, bring that peace to the world. kathrynrutherford.com
Keith Morant

“The task of art is enormous… Art should cause violence to be set aside. And it is only art that can accomplish this.” ~ Leo Tolstoy morantart.com
Ric Horner

We are wise and we are strong. We are not weak, we are meek. We are thinkers and tinkerers. We are problem solvers and hard workers. We are industrious and hopeful. We are grateful for our blessings. We cherish our home on earth. We long for world peace. We believe in effect from cause. We love without pause. fineartcenter.tv
Find Out About Our Current Call for Artists
Feeling very honoured to be a part of this show. Thanks for including my work Renee and well done to all of the artists…it’s such a pleasure to browse through.

Lovely work, I wish you all the very best for this year, I am inspired to enter next time. Regards, Xersa
A brilliant presentation of world sensibilities through art..
Congratulations Renee! Your deep sensitivity to the necessity of art as a vital human voice and your dedication to allowing that voice to be heard is greatly appreciated.
In the name art – we thank you!
Dear Renee, this exhibit is such a gift to the senses. So much hope is expressed. Every artist has inspired me to push myself in new directions. Thank you for showcasing all this beautiful art. Aloha.
Beautiful exhibit Renee, Thank you for sharing this on Linkedin
Dear Renée, thank you for this wonderful exhibit. You always showcase art that is so important to the human well-being and the health of the planet. Thank you!
Thanks Renee for organizing such a great exhibitions.
wish it was possible to accept videos for such online exhibitions.
It’s a beautiful show and theme! I am thrilled and honored to have my work featured among these thoughtful and very accomplished artists. Thank you, Renee.
Shanti, Peace, Namaste,
Eugenie Diserio
What an inspiring and uplifting show! So much Hope here. Thank you for this Renee, we need this now.
Dear Renee,
Thank you for including me in this exhibit. It was very uplifting to see all the artworks and statements by the artists. Blessings to you always !
Best Regards,
Denise Armstrong
I agree with you Patti and Renata, It’s a beautiful show. Thank you for submitting your uplifting art and statements.
How soothed my spirit has become by these artists words and what their creations speak… Beautiful exhibit… Thank you Renee…
Thank you very much Renee. This is beautiful show and I’m very happy to be a part of it.
Thank you so much, Renee, for including me in this heartwarming exhibit along with such talented artists. HPAA is a real jewel! A beautifully spirited website.
Catherine, your beautiful sculpture adds a powerful dimension to the exhibition. Thank you for submitting your art to the Artists For World Peace exhibition.
Thank you for including me in this lovely show Renee.
Eva, it’s always and honor and pleasure to include your expressive artwork. Thank you for submitting it to the Artists For World Peace exhibition and for sharing it with your global community.