The Entry Deadline was Monday, March 21, 2022 at 12:00 Midnight EST
Exhibition Dates: April 4 – June 4, 2022
View Some Art from this Exhibition
The Importance of Color in Art for Healing
Color (or hue) may be the first component we notice about a work of art. Many scientific studies have proven color affects our behavior, moods, and thoughts. Color has the ability to bring healing energy, soothe our frazzled nerves, motivate and empower us. The healing power of color is undeniable and far-reaching.
We also know that art consultants who specialize in purchasing art in the healthcare art market are keenly aware of the principles of color and its healing impact on patients, staff and visitors.
The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS has presented many exhibitions related to the healing power of color.
Benefits to Exhibiting Artists: Our online exhibitions attract thousands of viewers interested in art that is positive, uplifting and healing. We enjoy providing underrecognized artists widespread exposure to our international audience, direct more traffic to their websites, and expand their audience across several social media networks.

Names of All Artists in “The Healing Power of Color” 2022 Exhibition
Carolyn M. Abrams, Michael Aldag, Susan Ashley, Christine Auda, Rosana Azar, Gabrielle Baker, Sara Bardin, Barbara Baskin, Elise Meredith Beattie, Sandra Belitza-Vazquez, Taya Bell, Anne Bellas, Rick Berk, M Diane Bonaparte, Dorit Brauer, Lorraine Brennan, Barbara Brown, Glenn Buack, Tanis Bula, Kent Burkhardsmeier, Andre Chatelain, Pamela Chrabieh, YSerdia Cornish, Rick Cotter, Nicole Cromwell, Cristina del Rosso, Dick and Rosanne, Madeleine Farley, Shawn Farley, Andrea Joyce Feldman, Emz Finch, Leanne Fink, Suzanne Frazier, Janet Freedman, Shana R. Goetsch, Patricia Gould, Julie Greig, Daniella Haddad, Victoria Weill Hagai, Silvia Harati, Ron Hershey, Marti Higgins, Susan Talbot Hoffmann, Diane Fleisch Hughes, Elaine Hunter, Ian Baker Johnson, Karen Johnston, Agnes Jorgensen, Helen Kagan, Marion Kahn, Karen Bognar Khan, Vendula Kalinova, Yolanda Kennison, Alexandra Kingswell, Zoe Kowalchuk, Ernie Kleven, Cindy Lutz Kornet, Jamie Kost, Sandra Lett, Denise Lorenz, Debbie O Lucas, Darcy Lynn, Beatrice M Mady, Haleh Mahbod, Mary Manning, Maia Martin, Geraldine Martinez, Maureen McCabe, Brenda Molloy, DC Morale, Carol Moses, Hadijah Alicia Munting, Sreedevi Nair, Nancy Natow-Cassidy, Douglas Newton, Poul Nielsen, Robin Okun, Elizabeth S. Palmer, Jennifer Perlmutter, Anne Morrison Rabe, Joh Ricci, David Rickman, Andrea Robinson, Diana Rogers, Judith Rohrer, Dennis Sabo, Miraida Santiago, Robin Jack Sarner, Helena Hötzl Setterström, Casey Shannon, Annie Shaver-Crandell, Ruth Soller, Madhupriya Srinivasan, Anthony Stanton, Vicky A Stein, Candace Stella, Tiziana Tateo, Vera Tchikovani, JoAnn Telemdschinow, Alison Thomas, Francine Tint, Vasu Tolia, Nimi Trehan, Vanessa, Peter N. Van Giesen, Francesca Marta Volchitza, Linda S. Watson, Doerte Weber, Mark Weller, Mira M. White, Diane Williams, Candace Wilson, Sandra Duran Wilson, Joyce Wynes, Maya Zeller
Special Recognition Award Winners
* Elizabeth S. Palmer received the Membership Award for 1 year in The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS online art gallery with promotion and inclusion in Members Only articles.
* Elise Beattie won a “Friend” Membership for 1 year with promotion on the Friends page.
* Sara Bardin received the Art Essay Award. It includes a 150-word art essay written about her art by Renee Phillips, the curator, which she can use for promotional purposes.
* Artists Featured in this Article: “Art That Reminds Us to Honor and Protect Mother Earth” includes Shawn Farley, Julie Greig, Hadijah Alicia Munting, Poul Nielsen, Anne Stine, and Doerte Weber.
* 26 artists have their exhibiting art included in a video produced on the Manhattan Arts International YouTube channel. The artists include: Carolyn M. Abrams, Sara Bardin, Dorit Brauer, Barbara Brown, Andre Chatelain, Sandra Belitza-Vazquez, Leanne Fink, Diane Fleisch Hughes, Karen Johnston, Agnes Jorgensen, Alexandra Kingswell, Mary Manning, Nancy Natow-Cassidy, Douglas Newton, Poul Nielsen, Elizabeth S. Palmer, David Rickman, Andrea Robinson, Judith Rohrer, Dennis Sabo, Nimi Trehan, Peter N. Van Giesen, Mark Weller, Diane Williams, Sandra Duran Wilson, and Maya Zeller. You can view the video here: “The Healing Power of Color” Exhibition Video on Youtube.