The purpose of “The Healing Power of Color” 2023 Exhibition: To share art by artists who use color with the intention to evoke a positive impact and foster feelings of well-being. Our goal is to accelerate the artists’ recognition by presenting their art, statements and links to their websites.
View Some of the Art from the Exhibition
Exhibition Dates: May 8 – July 8, 2023
(Entry Deadline was April 25) All exhibiting artists have been notified.
On May 4, 2023 all artists who have been accepted were sent a congratulatory email notification sent to the email addresses they listed on their entry forms.
The Importance of Color in Art for Healing: We believe that Art is an inspirational and powerful catalyst for healing individuals, society and the environment.
We also acknowledge that the healing power of color in Art is undeniable. Color has the ability to bring healing energy, soothe our frazzled nerves, and also motivate and empower us. Many scientific studies have proven the healing impact of color and how it affects our behavior, moods, and thoughts. There is also an increasing number of medical facilities are purchasing art and consider color to be an important factor in the healing process and positive impact on patients, staff and visitors.
89 Artists Selected for “The Healing Power of Color” 2023 Exhibition
Congratulations to You All!
Carolyn Abrams, Hiske Tas Bain, Cheryl Anne Barill, Barbara Baskin, Sandra Belitza-Vazquez, Kari Bienert, Eileen Bochsler, Paula Borsetti, Dorit Brauer, Eva Breitfuss, Jodie Brenner, Tanis Bula, Nanda Bussers, Andre Chatelain, Danita G. Cole, Natalie Dadamio, Cristina del Rosso, Dick and Rosanne, Sheryl Renee Dobson, Monique J. Dufour, Jane Dundon, Dr. Michael Durst, Jane Foley Ferraro, Leanne Fink, Mary E. Foster, Marilyn Fox
Lynda Goldman, Marianne Goldyn, Anne Gudrun, Sofia Hardman, Judy Hatlen, Holly Hebel, Cecile Hubene, Sandy Iseli, Karen Johnston, Agnes Jorgensen, Helen Kagan, Marion Kahn, D YaeL Kelley, Anthea Kerou, Cindy Lutz Kornet, Zoe Kowalchuk, Cecil Lee, Bonnie Levinson, Aryana B. Londir, Denise Lorenz, Debbie O Lucas
Heather MacNeil, Emily Marchesiello, Annette Margulies, Francesca Volchitza Marta, Diane Martino, Karen Melton, Joan Metcalf, Robert McArthur, Tommy B. McDonell, Lisa McLaughlin, Britt Michaelian, Connie Mae Moeller, Andrea Monroe, Nancy Natow-Cassidy, Poul Nielsen, Douglas Newton, Elizabeth S. Palmer, Steevie Parks, Susanna Patras, Terry Pesso
Susanne Reske, Cindy Packard Richmond, David G. Rickman, Andrea Robinson, Patricia Roche, Bryan Sabol, Karen H. Salup, Robin Jack Sarner, Rajul Shah, Annie Shaver-Crandell, Rebecca Sobin, Ruth Soller, Lynnie Sterba, Frantisek Strouhal, Paul Thisted, Dee Tivenan, Vasu Tolia, Sharon Trickett, Peter N. Van Giesen, Mark Weller, Acquaetta Williams, Sandra Duran Wilson
About The Exhibition ~ (Please note Entry Deadline was April 25.)
* More than 80 Artists have be selected for “The Healing Power of Color” 2023 Exhibition
* All artists worldwide were invited who use color to generate such feelings as bliss, awe, peace, revelation, hope, healing and well-being. All positive, inspirational themes, styles and subjects are desired.
* All 2D and 3D mediums considered including painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, printmaking, digital art, and mixed media. (Exceptions: No installation art, AI-generated art, NFTs, video, craft, or graphic erotic art will be accepted.) All sizes.
* We welcome new artists as well as artists who have been in our previous exhibitions.
* Entry Submission Deadline: April 25, 2023 at 8:00 PM
* Exhibition Dates: May 8-July 8, 2023
* Curator: Renee Phillips, Founder/Director, Manhattan Arts International and Founder/Director, The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS
Benefits to Exhibiting Artists
The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS has presented many exhibitions related to the healing power of color. Through these exhibitions artists have increased their global audiences, exhibitions, sales and other opportunities. Our online exhibitions attract thousands of viewers interested in art that is positive, uplifting and healing. We enjoy providing underrecognized artists widespread exposure to our international audience, direct more traffic to their websites, and expand their audience across several social media networks. We encourage viewers of our exhibitions to contact the artists directly to purchase their art.
Special Recognition Awards in “The Healing Power of Color”
7 artists received additional publicity in articles on this website. They include Connie Mae Moeller, Jodie Brenner, Judy Hatlen, Lynda Goldman, Agnes Jorgensen, Andre Chatelain, and Andrea Robinson.
* 27 artists have their art included in a video produced on the Manhattan Arts International YouTube channel. and Renee Phillips YouTube Channel. They include: Cheryl Anne Barill, Sandra Belitza-Vazquez, Dorit Brauer, Andre Chatelain, Cristina del Rosso, Dick and Rosanne, Leanne Fink, Lynda Goldman, Anne Gudrun, Judy Hatlen, Sandy Iseli, Karen Johnston, Agnes Jorgensen, Helen Kagan, Francesca Volchitza Marta, Robert McArthur, Joan Metcalf, Connie Mae Moeller, Nancy Natow-Cassidy, Debbie O Lucas, Elizabeth S. Palmer, Andrea Robinson, Karen H. Salup, Ruth Soller, Frantisek Strouhal, Paul Thisted, Peter N. Van Giesen, Sandra Duran Wilson
* 16 artists had their artwork featured in promotions for the exhibition. They include Hiske Tas Bain, Cheryl Anne Barill, Tanis Bula, Leanne Fink, Anne Gudren, Karen Johnston, Francesca Volchitza Marta, Connie Mae Moeller, Nancy Natow-Cassidy, Debbie O Lucas, Steevie Parks, Terry Pesso, Rajul Shah, Ruth Soller, Frantisek Strouhal, and Sandra Duran Wilson.
Thank you Renee for including my painting ‘Gratitude’ in the 2023 Healing Power of Color Online Exhibition. It is a great honor to be included in such a beautiful show with so many wonderful Artists. Thank you for all of the wonderful work you do to promote the understanding of the relationship between Art and Healing. It is indeed a profound one!
Hi Steevie, I love your paintings and it is a pleasure to include “Gratitude” in “The Healing Power of Color” exhibition. Please check your email, I sent you a few emails recently regarding writing an Art Review for you. Best regards, Renee
Renee I am thrilled to have a painting selected for this upcoming show and look forward to seeing the show on line tomorrow. Thank you again for all you do in the community. I am always uplifted by the positivity and healing each show brings.
Dear YaeL, I’m delighted to have selected your inspirational painting “Carnelian Sky Dance II”. Thank you for submitting your art for “The Healing Power of Color”.
I’m delighted to have received the notice that my art has been selected for The Healing Power of Color 2023! Which social media are you on so I can see what’s being posted on May 8 and going forward? Also how do I see which of my paintings was selected? Many thanks, Lynda
Congratulations Lynda. Your exuberant painting “Joyful Heart” has been selected for the exhibition. You’ll find my social links on the right column of all posts. Please follow me! I hope you enjoy the exhibition when it opens on May 8. All the best, Renee
Hi Renee, I am thrilled and honored to see my name in the list of artists for this exhibit. For some reason, I didn’t receive an email and want to be sure I’m not missing any details or requests for more info for the exhibit.
I also want to say how much I appreciate all of your helpful advice for artists. Thank you so much for your caring support and for seeking to help others with the healing power of art.
Connie, I’m thrilled to include your breathtaking painting “On the Street Where I Live” in this exhibition. Sorry that your gmail account blocked my email or it might have gone into your trash folder. In the future if I need anything specifically I’ll write a message on your website. Here’s a copy of the email that was sent to all exhibiting artists.
Renee, thank you for your quick reply and kind comments on my painting. I will try to figure out why my gmail blocked your email. It’s a mystery to me. I appreciate that you’ll write a message through my website if necessary. Have a blissful weekend!
Connie, A few minutes ago I sent you a message via your website.
Hi Renee, I’m delighted to have had my artwork selected into the exhibit and look forward to viewing the entire show. The instructive feedback you offer to artists is always thoughtful and appreciated. Congratulations to all exhibiting artists.
Barbara, You’re welcome! It’s a pleasure to include your vibrant “Bluebells” in this exhibition!
Renee, thank you for another opportunity to submit to a meaningful art call, I’m looking forward to seeing the whole show. Congratulations to all the artists curated in!!!!
Robin, You’re welcome. I’m delighted to present your mixed media painting “Living on the Edge” with its robust burst of yellow with invigorating linework!
Hi Renee, I was just trying to pay for my submission and lost the link for the application. Do I need to apply all over again? Please let me know. Sorry
Hi Terry, No, You don’t need to apply all over again. I sent instructions on how to complete the process via email from my gmail account. Thank you for your submission.
I use a French website that includes my web page snd associated related material. Please alert if you, in the future , curate without a required webpage. . I sell both nationally and internationally. if I add maintaining a personal page website, I’ll gain and lose in the long run. Too much time in maintenance. Actually know a couple of curators who will decline an artists because the curator didn’t like the artist’s webpage. Best of luck.. Would loved to have applied. IG @anaalu8
Dear Andrew, Thank you for your comment and interest in our call for artists. I suggest you subscribe to our free email newsletter and if we ever decide to announce a call for artists without the website requirement you’ll be among the first to know. All the best, Renee
With all respect , why do you have to have a web page ? I am an older artist, 75 and its hard enough to enter these ” calls for art ” and running a web page is even more difficult. Thank You For Your Time. Gary
Gary, Thank you for visiting this website and writing a comment. First, I must disagree with you. 75 is not old!
Many artists we work with are around the same age. To answer your question, our purpose is to promote artists and increase their career opportunities and sales. Most potential buyers expect professional artists to have their own websites. Creating a website is rather easy, can be created with just a few pages. There are many free tutorials available to learn how and free website options. If you don’t want to bother you may even be able to get a student to create one for you. If you’re still reading this check out this article “How to Get Started With Your New Art website”. It might change your mind and remove the intimidation you may feel. I hope you face the challenge and enjoy the process!
Gary, I am with YOU! A friend just showed me this entry and I was so excited to enter. I had my materials ready and when I sat down to put it online, I saw this. I have pieces in several different studios in three states and have used Facebook and Instagram. Folks are on those anyway and my work is easy to get to there. They would not necessarily look for a website for me. I retired from teaching and at 62 I am enjoying art but do not want to have to upload materials to yet another place on my computer. I live in a very remote area which does not even have cell service (look up the National Radio Astronomy Observatory- they are why we cannot have nice things) and computers are spotty on a good day. I guess that is the price I pay for living in “Almost Heaven” but I just can’t beat the views or the relaxed way of life. If I were to make a website, it would not look professional enough for me because I can be a perfectionist and would rather not have one than to have it subpar. Oh well, it was a great dream for the hour or so. Best of luck, Gary. Direct from Luddite Heaven in the Quiet Zone of Green Bank, over and out!
Dear Peggy, I’m very sorry to have disappointed you. I read your comment and you have given me something to think about. I may consider curating a future online exhibition without the requirement of artists having their own websites. So, please don’t give up on The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS. All the best to you, Renee
Great idea!!
Where do I get an Entry form?
Thank you Mary Lou. The link to the entry form will be available on this page on February 25 at 6:00 New York time.