Mark Allen's humorous and cynical cartoon series titled "Proper Mental Attitude", came out of a need to create something positive while his older son succumbed to cancer. During their grieving process, he and his wife Donna found insight in the realization, "We can live until we die or we can die until we die." His works of art remind us that “nobody gets out of this life … [Read more...]
Corrina Thurston Transforms Her Life Through Drawing
Corrina Thurston is a professional wildlife artist specializing in detailed, vibrant colored pencil drawings. In this inspirational article she shares her story about how drawing helped her gain a new perspective on life. After becoming chronically ill and having to medically withdraw from college she taught herself how to draw from her bed. What began as a therapeutic outlet … [Read more...]
An Art Project with Hospice in Memory of My Father
Meg Black is a foremost artist and pioneer working with natural fibers for over 30 years. Her art is in numerous private and public collections and healthcare facilities. You can read her previous article about her art for healthcare here. In this article Meg Black shares insight about her firsthand experience with Hospice care, her desire to reach out to build new … [Read more...]
Art For Healthcare: Connecting The Kinesthetic With The Aesthetic
Meg Black is internationally recognized and among the few artists working with natural fibers. Her landscapes, seascapes, New England scenes and garden views have attracted many private collectors, corporations and members of the healthcare industry. In this article she explains her unique artistic vision and insight about creating art for healthcare. We are delighted to share … [Read more...]