About Sandra Belitza-Vazquez: Sandra is an internationally exhibited, award-winning and versatile artist whose awe-inspiring photographs raise our awareness about the natural beauty in the world. She also reminds us about our responsibility to honor and preserve it. She captures magnificent views from world travels as well as local nature scenes. Sandra explains, "I want … [Read more...]
The Healing Power of Color 2024 Exhibition
An Invitational Exhibition April 7 - June 7, 2024 About Us: The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS is a global community of artists, advocates, and writers dedicated to raising awareness about how art serves as a positive catalyst for enhancing the well-being of individuals, society and the environment. It is an initiative of Manhattan Arts International, NYC, NY. Read … [Read more...]
Artist Members Share Exciting Plans for 2024
It's always exciting to ask the members of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS online gallery what are you excited about in the coming year? When we asked them in December 2023, we received replies from these members and are delighted to share the news with you. Please visit the artists' pages and their websites to view more of their art and learn more about them. … [Read more...]
Tanis Bula
About Tanis Bula: Tanis Bula is an internationally renowned watercolorist. Her awe-inspiring masterful paintings of nature are endowed with a healing symphony of hues, light and shadow. She creates life-affirming floral bouquets, serene landscapes and other subjects that delight and enchant us; however, she is best known for her vibrant florals. Her paintings are … [Read more...]
Artist Members Tell Us What Inspired Their Works of Art
It is an honor and pleasure to present "Artist Members Tell Us What Inspired Their Works of Art". All members of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS online gallery were invited to choose one of the works of art that is presented on their membership page and tell us what inspired it. We received replies from 4 members. They are Peter N. Van Giesen, Therese Boisclair, Tanis … [Read more...]
Celebrate Mother Earth With Our Nature-Inspired Art and Articles
Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. However, here, on The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS website we celebrate and honor nature every day as part of our overall purpose. First and foremost, you will notice that many of the artists in our Online Gallery create nature-inspired art. We also present nature-inspired … [Read more...]
Artist Members Share Proud Achievements of 2023
It is June, 2023, and we embark upon the midpoint time of the year. I invited artist members to share their proudest moment they have experienced this year. We are delighted to share their achievements with you. Artists are arranged in the order in which we received their submissions. Please visit the artists' pages to see more of their artwork and read about their many … [Read more...]
Artist Members Explain The Power of Creativity
Creativity may be defined as a mysterious, life-affirming gift that requires passion, risk-taking, and the ability to surrender to its fullest power and potential. As Henri Matisse simply stated, "Creativity takes courage". To ignite creativity and keep it alive we need to preserve our inner child, as Picasso reminds us, “All children are born artists, the problem is to remain … [Read more...]
Many Shades of Gray in Art by Artist Members and Art from Art History
Our series of Color theme online exhibitions are a big success. We receive many emails from interior designers, individual art buyers and art consultants who are delighted to have a resource like ours. Advisors in the healthcare industry appreciate our focus on healing art and the importance of color. In this outstanding online exhibition "Many Shades of Gray in Art by Artist … [Read more...]
The Healing Glow of Pink in Art by Artist Members, Famous Artists, and More
We invite you to bask in the healing glow of pink in art by artist members. And, as always, we provide many interesting facts about the color. This exhibition is part of our ongoing series about color. We have already covered art using blue, red, yellow, purple, green and orange. For links to all of our exhibitions visit this page. To view art by all of our members visit … [Read more...]
Artist Members Tell Us About Famous Artists Who Have Inspired Them
We know that throughout art history artists have been inspired by other artists. We thought you might be interested to know which ones inspired our artist members and why. We recently asked them to tell us and the requirement was the artist they chose had to be renowned, so you could learn more about them on en.wikipedia.org. Through this article, as our artist members tell us … [Read more...]
Artist Members Tell Us What They Love About Their Favorite Medium
Artists develop special relationships with their chosen mediums and it's exciting to know how and why they select the ones they do. An artist may choose a particular medium and remain with it for a lifetime, while other artists may begin new relationships as their artwork evolves. Each medium offers a myriad of different technical and creative advantages as well as … [Read more...]
Artist Members Celebrate the Color Orange
A Happy, Energetic and Eye-Catching Color When it comes to the healing power of color we know that a certain color has the ability to soothe your frazzled nerves, empower you to take action, and also to bring healing energy when you need it. As Wassily Kandinsky proclaimed, "Color hides a power still unknown but real, which acts on every part of the human body." In this … [Read more...]
Whimsical Art by Artist Members
If you're suffering from an overload of negative news of the world and seeking some relief, you came to the right place. We reached out to our online gallery members for help. To lift your spirits we present an online art exhibition "Whimsical Art by Artist Members". All artist members were asked to submit a work of art that you -- the viewer -- would describe as whimsical, … [Read more...]
A Healing Touch of Red in Art by Members and Masters
We are delighted to present this online exhibition "A Healing Touch of Red in Art" by members of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS online gallery and some master artists. It is a part of our series of exhibitions related to color. You'll also read many facts about the primary color red. Red is one of the first colors used by artists — dating back to prehistory. … [Read more...]
The Power of Yellow in Art Created by Artists On Our Website and Master Artists
Yellow is a Powerful Color With Many Healing Benefits Yellow is the color we associate with the sun. It is the brightest color of the visible spectrum, and it is the most noticeable of all colors by the human eye. It has been said yellow is a good color to strengthen the nerves, stimulate communication and collaboration, enhance mental clarity and encourage laughter, fun, joy … [Read more...]
Fascinating and Fun Facts About Our Artist Members Part III
There are many fun and fascinating facts about our artist members. As you will read, they are multi-talented and multi-dimensional individuals whose interests and experiences extend beyond their art studios. The artists’ names will take you to their pages where you can view their art and read about their inspiration and art career accomplishments. Visit their websites and … [Read more...]
Art About Love, Peace, Harmony and Unity by Artist Members
It's easy to get distracted by the loud noises of negativity and forget that there is so much goodness in the world. To help you get back on the positivity mindset, I am happy to present this wonderful visual presentation of art about love, peace, harmony and unity by artist members. Their statements are also inspiring. The artists you'll find in our online art gallery … [Read more...]