Manhattan Arts International Proudly Presents Andre Chatelain with this Award in Our “Love, Peace, Unity & Hope” 2025 Exhibition As a masterful artist and humanitarian Andre Chatelain reminds us that we can all take steps to improve the world. He embodies the vital and admirable human attributes of love, peace, unity and hope. In this interview he shares his beliefs, his … [Read more...]
Nicole Cromwell Artist, Former Nurse and One of Our World Changers
She is Improving the Medical Community and Beyond Through Creativity It is a pleasure and honor to have inducted Nicole Cromwell into our "World Changers", a series about extraordinary Artists like her who are contributing to improving the world. I know you will enjoy reading this interview with her. Nicole creates transcendent paintings that portray luminous, and … [Read more...]
Artist Lily Yeh Transforms Communities Around the World
This article was written by artist Mary Lou Dauray in 2015. Art has the power to transform, in a positive way, people and places that have been destroyed, decimated and are filled with sorrow. Artists can help those who suffer recover a sense of self-identity and joy. A shining example of such an artist accomplishing these wonders is Lily Yeh, 74. Through the Barefoot … [Read more...]
Interview with Agnes Jorgensen and Andre Chatelain, Artists and Founders of Painting A New World
"We are artists helping artists, painting a new world, one brushstroke at a time." Agnes Jorgensen and Andre Chatelain are extraordinary artists who have received many accolades for their masterful paintings in realism. They are award-winning members of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS. The dynamic married couple share a deeply felt humanitarian spirit, a passion for … [Read more...]
Karen Johnston Artist and Founder of The H.O.P.E. Ministry
A Community that Supports and Shares The Healing Journey Karen Johnston is an extraordinary intuitive, abstract painter and instructor living in Nashville, Tennessee. The powerful healing nature of her artwork is invaluable. She is also the founder of The H.O.P.E. Ministry, a community that supports and shares the healing journey. Many people of all ages have benefited from … [Read more...]
Interview With Elaine Poggi, Founder of The Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals
Elaine Poggi is a photographer and founder of the Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals and one of our "World Changers". The Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals, Inc., was incorporated as a non-profit organization in the United States in November 2002. The unique mission of the Foundation is “to place large, framed photographs of nature and beautiful places from around the … [Read more...]
Drawn to Help – Drawing Funny Pictures to Help Kids Heal
Drawn To Help is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization created by artist Steve Barr to supplement existing art programs at hospitals, camps and treatment facilities around the country. This outstanding organization helps arrange “celebrity” appearances by successful cartoonists and talented artists who want to improve children's lives. When Steve learned about our call for artists … [Read more...]
World Changer Carole Claude T. Shares Excerpts From Her Enlightening Ebook
Carole Claude T. is an artist and writer whose quintessential artistic style embraces her powerful intuition and her innate talent as an imaginative storyteller. Her narratives comprise insights about the universe, spirituality, human experience, and nature. Her symbolic characters encompass messages about religion, literature, fables, allegory, and beguiling musings. You can … [Read more...]
Artists Who Contribute Their Talent and Compassion to Bring Positive Change to the World
You may be familiar to our extensive series on this website titled "World Changers", which includes in-depth inspirational interviews and articles about extraordinary individuals and organizations that are actively contributing to making a positive difference through their art. If you ever need to restore your faith in humanity visit that series that contains more than 50 … [Read more...]
Eco-Artist Natalie Oliphant Transforms Recycled Materials Into Life-Affirming Sculptures
Natalie Oliphant is an important eco-artist who lives in Canada. She has an extraordinary talent for transforming body forms and mannequins and other discarded items into new life-affirming sculptures. Destined for obscurity in landfills that harm our environment found objects become mixed media works of art that resonate with symbolic and metaphorical references. They will … [Read more...]
Special Recognition Award Winners in “The Healing Power of Color” Exhibition
Artists Who Bring Positive Change To The World The artists featured in this presentation were selected for "The Healing Power of Color" exhibition and also received "Special Recognition Art Awards" for combining their artistic excellence with their spirit of generosity. The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS initiative believes in the importance of recognizing artists who are … [Read more...]
Terri Albanese Presents “A Garden of Gratitude” Healing Exhibition
Artists throughout the world have responded to the pandemic in extraordinary ways. One of them is Terri Albanese, an artist who creates breathtaking healing art in glass in a unique style. She has won many accolades which include being selected by Ohio's First Lady, Karen W. Kasich and the Ohio Arts Council as Ohio's Spotlight Artist. Her glass paintings can be found in … [Read more...]
Marie Mitchell Won A Special Recognition Art Award
Marie Mitchell received a Special Recognition Art Award in “The Healing Power of ART: Resilience” 2022 Exhibition for her steadfast commitment to use her extraordinary creative talent as a catalyst to raise awareness about climate change. The artist who lives in Bouvard, Western Australia is active in protecting the environment. Marie is a champion for positive change and … [Read more...]
Artists from The Spirit of Resilience Exhibition Who Are World Changers
During the curatorial process for The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS "The Spirit of Resilience" online exhibition we discovered a few of the artists selected for the exhibition who also generously devote their time to helping others. You will meet them in this article "Artists from The Spirit of Resilience Exhibition Who Are World Changers". We share their winning art, … [Read more...]
Artists Transformed Cardboard Into Hope and Healing in the “Together While Apart Project”
By Deane V. Bowers Deane V. Bowers,, is a self-described self-taught artist who lives in Seabrook Island, South Carolina. She is driven by a desire, "to be a responsible Environmental Steward in every aspect of my life. As an artist, whenever possible I always use reclaimed, recycled, repurposed and Eco Friendly materials." Her purpose is to create art … [Read more...]
Using Art to Deal with Trauma
For most of us our environment is generally nurturing and positive, but for some, it can be traumatic, such as experiencing horrific events in war zones or being raised in an abusive home. Art is often the healing balm that soothes these harsh realities, as well as provides long term benefits. This article is about using art to deal with trauma. You'll read about Marina … [Read more...]
The Rewards of Teaching Art to Children With Disabilities
Maryan Myres Shumway is a writer, musician and an expat living in the Middle East. She is also an advocate for families and people with disabilities. With her global travels, she tries "to offer a perspective of people who have faint voices in the world." She is the mother of six children. Her youngest, Elias, has autism, artistic talent, and a huge spirit of generosity. He and … [Read more...]
Studio in a School Teaches Art to Children
Studio in a School is a nationally recognized leader in arts education. It was established in 1997 by Agnes Gund, a philanthropist, arts education advocate and president emerita of the Museum of Modern Art, in New York, NY. She is also a member of the board of trustees of the National Council on the Arts, nominated by President Obama. This extraordinary non-profit … [Read more...]