An Opportunity to Help Art and Healing Programs
This article is about spreading a message about a positive global initiative that speaks to humanity, kindness and our audience of givers.
The #GivingTuesday campaign is celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season.
#GivingTuesday is an inspirational global movement that celebrates and supports giving and philanthropy. So, we say, why not use the day as an opportunity to give to art and healing programs that serve the needs of individuals and communities!
About #Giving Tuesday
#GivingTuesday was started in 2012 by the 92nd Street Y — a cultural center in New York City, NY. According to the program, what happened was, “a team of influencers and founding partners joined forces — collaborating across sectors, offering expertise and working tirelessly — to launch #GivingTuesday and have continued to shape, grow and strengthen the movement.”
Since its launch #GivingTuesday has become a global phenomenon—transforming communities and improving lives everywhere. In fact, #GivingTuesday now connects more than 30,000 partners in the U.S. and communities in more than 68 countries around the globe. In 2014, nonprofits across the country raised $45.7 million both off and online on Giving Tuesday.
Join The Positive #GivingTuesday Movement
In Your Local Community as Well as Social Media!
#GivingTuesday connects diverse groups of individuals, communities and organizations world-wide for one common purpose: to celebrate and encourage giving to others less fortunate. Everyone involved with #GivingTuesday plays a role in the growth and strengthening of this important and robust movement.
#GivingTuesday suggests that you find a way for your family, community, business, organization, neighborhood or school to come together to give something more to those who need it most. Then spread the word… tell everyone you can about how you are giving. The spirit of generosity is contagious and addictive!
As you can figure out by the hashtag #GivingTuesday has been fueled by the power of social media. In past years Twitter users have played an important role in broadcasting and fueling this mission.
Visit the #GivingTuesday website:
You can also follow #GivingTuesday on X (Twitter):
Join #GivingTuesday on Facebook:
Find Worthy Organizations on Our Website
We can recommend many worthy organizations to give to and you’ll find articles about them, on The Healing Power of ART website. These organizations enrich the lives of individuals and communities, such as: ProjectArt, an organization that brings art to children, and Barefoot Artists Organization, that transforms communities world-wide through art projects; to name a few.

Discover Worthy Nonprofits in Our Resource Directory
If you are searching for art and healing groups to donate please visit the Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS Resource Directory. Our ever-growing comprehensive resource directory is an ongoing effort that has more than 100 Nonprofit Organizations that provide a range of services to help improve the world. In this directory we provide the organizations’ mission statements and links to their websites.
Take a Respite from the Holiday Frenzy
So, while you may be feeling overwhelmed by the frenzy of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and your holiday gift giving list, take time out for a respite. Shift your focus on end-of-year giving, and, continue the spirit of benevolent giving throughout the year.
Become a part of a global celebration — a new tradition of generosity in a world where so much negativity is broadcast at a high volume.
And, remember, there is never a donation of time, money, or other items or deed that is too small when given with loving kindness.
To quote Mother Teresa: “We can do no great things — only small things with great love.” Aesop said, “No Act of Kindness, however small, is ever wasted.”
I hadn’t heard of #GivingTuesday but just this week I have made contact with the Women’s Property Initiatives who is a not-for-profit, women-specific, Registered Housing Provider and licensed estate agency who’s mission is to build a secure future for disadvantaged women and their children through providing high quality, safe and affordable housing. I will be donating 5 of my bright and uplifting floral paintings to share joy and inspiration with some of the tenants of this wonderful organisation.