Manhattan Arts International presents an annual “HerStory” online exhibition of women artists from around the world. It features art in all styles, subjects and mediums. For more than 20 years I’ve had the pleasure of curating the show. In this presentation you will view healing art from a few of the “HerStory” exhibitions. The art you see here either addresses spiritual, health, social or political concerns or were instrumental in the artist’s healing process. They raise awareness and serve as catalysts for transforming the body, mind and spirit of individuals and society. The accompanying statements were submitted with the artists’ entries to the competition.
Kathryn Rutherford
Healing From The Inside, oil on canvas, 40” x 20”.
“Spirit Paintings” capture heirlooms, the multi-generational story of ordinary lives, or a metaphysical state of being. They are investigations of the effects of light and shadow using transparent, pure paint layered onto canvas to create jewels of color and deepened shadows as light passes through objects, figures, and space.”
Denisa Prochazka
Tina Fontaine, Dancing Wings, clay, 66” x 62” x 8”.
“When I received a very clear vision of Tina Fontaine (one of the many missing and murdered Aboriginal women in Canada), I knew I had to manifest it into reality. May this artwork empower and inspire the feminine balance in this world, and brings awareness, resolve, renewed hope and healing.”
Roopa Dudley
Safe Space, acrylic, 40″x 30″.
“My intention with this painting is to spread awareness and perhaps open a dialogue on the realities of Abortion and its consequences on the human psyche. Being a mother of two girls, it is a topic dear to my heart. In my honest opinion we have other alternate and effective ways of preventing unwanted pregnancies than to resort to this horrific option.” (website temporarily unavailable)
Phyllis Thomas Miller
The Price of Freedom, acrylic on canvas, 48″ x 36”
As a Vietnam Navy veteran, I provide therapeutic art for the veteran community. The Price of Freedom is a visual tribute to the courageous men and women of our military. Creating visual images that spark self-reflection and motivate the healing process is my passion. Every day I find joy in art. I wish for you is that through my artwork, you experience the same.
Learn about our calls for artists and future exhibitions.
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