“We are artists helping artists, painting a new world, one brushstroke at a time.”

Agnes Jorgensen and Andre Chatelain are extraordinary artists who have received many accolades for their masterful paintings in realism. They are award-winning members of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS. The dynamic married couple share a deeply felt humanitarian spirit, a passion for Africa and its people, and have combined their talents to create Painting A New World.
The genesis of their non-profit organization began on Andre Chatelain’s first trip to Kenya and Tanzania in 2001. He states, “I was profoundly moved by the African people, their beauty, grace, dignity, pride and so much more. It was this experience that inspired me to paint the people and their culture trying to capture the essence of their being. Fortunately, my travels took me also to Mali and Mauritania further inspiring my artwork.”
In 2008, Agnes accompanied Andre to Kenya where she also fell in love with this continent and its people. That year they founded Painting A New World (PNMW). One of their many proudest achievements is the sale of one auctioned mural in Kenya generated sufficient funds ($15,000 ) to provide a community with a new school and a well of clean water.
In this interview, they share their passion and explain how their organization Painting A New World is making a positive difference in the world. We are proud to know Agnes and Andre and to include them among our ongoing series titled “World Changers”.

Andre and Agnes, what inspired you to create Painting A New World organization?
It was evident to us that we needed to do something significant to help the artists. It was this strong desire, in the spirit of helping artists in Africa that we created our non-profit organization Painting a New World.

Please explain the purpose and mission statement of the organization.
We believe that art has the power to create positive change for the benefit and sustainability of communities locally and in developing countries. The organization focuses mainly on supporting artists in Africa and Haiti through a mural art program. The murals must be appropriate to the context of the community and present a socially conscious message. Murals are painted on school walls and/or community centers by local artists. The aim is to create positive change by employing local artists and educating communities about their environment and future.
Who else joins you to carry out your mission?
Joram Mathenge, Executive Director of the Kiangure Springs Environment Initiative ( KSEI ) is our main contact, collaborator and driving force in Kenya. He works with several artists and communities coordinating all mural art projects. PNMW has funded 23 murals in Kenya to date.
Painting A New World has also worked with Pascal, the director of Bobea Art Centre in Nairobi for 10 years selling their African artworks and jewelry to help support the Centre and its artists.
On the Painting a New World Board, we count on five directors and one ambassador. Jane, one of our director and Keisha, our PNMW ambassador, are originally from Kenya. Their knowledge and commitment to help the Kenyan people is an asset on our board. We all share Jane’s vision of one day building a PNMW Art centre on her father’s land in Kenya.
“Our goal as artists is to show that ART has the power to create positive change in communities locally and in developing countries.”

How do you contribute your talents as artists to advance the aspirations of the organization?
Our goal as artists is to show that ART has the power to create positive change in communities locally and in developing countries. We understand the challenges of being an artist even in our country of abundance; one can only imagine how difficult it must be in Africa. Therefore, we created PNMW to dedicate ourselves to helping artists of the African continent.
Painting A New World has funded 23 murals in Kenya, implemented the mural program in Chad where local artists have painted seven murals on schools in N’ Djamena and funded 1 mural in Haiti at the Notre-Dame de Paillant School. Painting A New World has also had art projects in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Ghana, Malawi and Guinea.
What accomplishments are you most proud of achieving since its inception?
Knowing that our actions are making a difference and changing the lives of individuals in parts of the world.
Artists who have created Painting A New World murals have improved their financial status, have been recognized in their communities as leaders for their positive messages and their contribution to education.
The sale of one auctioned mural in Kenya generated sufficient funds ($15,000 ) to provide a community with a new school and a well of clean water.
We created a mural art contest named THE GIFT OF ART, that ran consecutively for three years in schools across Canada. All the funds that were generated from the sale of murals to sponsors were then distributed equally between local charitable organizations and Painting A New World.
Receiving the Humanity Award from the International Fine Arts Academy of Quebec in 2009 recognizing the involvement of artists in a humanitarian cause.
“This experience has taught us that we can make a difference in the world and that we are changing lives. It has made us believe art is indeed a catalyst for positive change.”

How can anyone who is reading this interview help Painting A New World?
Painting A New World is a non-profit organization. In order to help us, anyone can purchase an original artwork from us or they can donate funds. We are grateful for any donation of funds payable to Painting A New World of which 100% goes directly to our mural projects in Africa.
Please provide an example of how Painting A New World has changed people’s lives through the healing power of art.
In Kenya, we had prepared two large canvases to be painted by the students from a small village. As there were no large tables to accommodate the canvas, we placed it on the floor. It was so moving to see all the students on their knees, using a paint brush and paints for the first time. They stayed in that position for 2 hours, laughing, experiencing, sharing, questioning.
When we returned to the group of guests we were travelling with, they were all curious to hear how our day went and what the students had produced. They were so impressed with the beautiful mural, they had decided to auction it that evening. Everyone generously contributed and the total amount was enough to pay for the construction of a new school (classroom) and a well of clean water. This small project changed so many lives including ours. We are so grateful to everyone who made this possible.

To what do you attribute the success and longevity of your organization?
The inception of PNMW is based on love, trust, and generosity. We share the love for the people and the beauties of Africa. We trust and work with compassionate and honest collaborators and artists in Africa who are also committed to giving back to their communities. They make it all possible.
As a non-profit we have the flexibility of being in contact with our artists and directors and more importantly sending 100% of the money directly to them.
Our success is measured by changing lives, one mural at a time.
What is the biggest change this experience has brought to your lives?
This experience has taught us that we can make a difference in the world and that we are changing lives. It has made us believe art is indeed a catalyst for positive change. It has brought us purpose and compassion for others because ‘ALL LIVES MATTER ‘. It has inspired us to paint the beauties of the world, to be generous and grateful for all things big and small.

What advice would you give someone who has a desire to embark on a similar path?
Start NOW. Get involved at any level. Starting a non-profit organization takes an incredible amount of commitment of time, energy, and discipline. It is rewarding but funding can be a challenge. Find out what other non-profit organizations are doing, join them and learn from them. Be patient. Set your goals and stay the course.
What plans do you have for the coming year?
In Kenya, Joram and his team of artists are currently working on an additional mural with PNMW support. Our plan was to have an art event in Manitoba in the fall of 2020 however it has been rescheduled to 2021. The art event is in support of PNMW and Cancercare Manitoba. It is important for us to not only help internationally but also in our own back yard.
Visit Agnes Jorgensen’s page on this website.
Visit Andre Chatelain’s page on this website.
Visit Agnes Jorgensen’s website
Visit Andre Chatelain’s website
We are honoured to be interviewed and featured in the ´ Artists as World Changers ´ article for Painting A New World.
A huge Thank You to Renee Phillips, director of Manhattan Arts International for presenting, sharing and bringing the limelight on our organization.
Agnes, you deserve to have the light shining on you for your altruistic efforts. I wish you continued joy and success with Painting A New World.
Thank You Renee and everyone who contributed to produce such a nice and moving interview. We are grateful to you to have given us this amazing opportunity.
It is a blessing to be considered ‘World Changers’ and you can count on us to continue doing what we can to make a positive difference.
Warmest regards.
Andre, It is our honor and pleasure to share news about your compassion and altruism.