Mary Mirabal,, is an artist from Tampa, Florida, who transformed her life when she began painting after spending 30 years in Corporate America. She paints exuberant contemporary abstract expressionist works of art that have been shown in many exhibitions including those at the Tampa Museum of Art. The artist also has a “Mary Mirabal Art VIP Circle” on Facebook. Read her inspirational story and then dare to embark on your once abandoned dreams, quiet those inner voices of doubt, and overcome your fear of “following your heart”. ~ Renée Phillips
Mary Mirabal’s Story

My art journey began just a few years ago when I turned 55. It was also a time of spiritual growth. Looking back now I shouldn’t have been surprised. 55 in angel numbers represents big life changes which bring about new blessings. My passions and goals were shifting.
For the 30+ years preceding this new life path I was a wife, mother and career woman who never thought my two hands were capable of anything other than creating a loving home for my family and juggling a professional life. It wasn’t until I was downsized from corporate America that I struggled to find myself. I no longer had a career to define me. My children were grown and successful in their own careers.
I knew starting over at a new job at this stage in my life was not what I wanted. I wanted more for my second act, something fulfilling….something that would feed my soul. This time of introspection was exciting and a bit terrifying all at the same time.
…at this stage of my life what did I have to lose?
The only person I had to convince was myself.

Being idle isn’t in my blood. I had to decide on a new path going forward. Having the luxury of time helped me truly look inside myself to realize what made me happy. I’d been holding a silent secret in my heart whenever I visited an art gallery or museum. There was a little voice telling me “you can do this”. I kept quieting this voice as it surely couldn’t be true… I couldn’t even draw a straight line.
Once I stopped arguing with my inner voice and acknowledged its truth, I realized I was holding myself back out for fear of trying something new. But honestly, at this stage of my life what did I have to lose? The only person I had to convince was myself.
But, how would I actually turn this newfound passion into reality? The holidays were coming up so I asked Santa (aka my husband) for a paint set, and then proceeded to look at it for several months before gathering the courage to actually put paint to canvas. It was only then I realized what a beautiful gift I had been given.
I’m in the middle of my life
and feel like I’ve just discovered who I am.

In addition to my website I share my paintings and stories on Facebook. My followers are truly amazing. They share how my paintings have touched them in a personal way. They are my biggest fans. But what gives me the greatest joy is when they share how my journey to become an artist has inspired them to seek out their own path.
I was so deeply touched by this message sent by one of my followers. “You became an artist because you saw yourself as one and followed your soul. Thank you for inspiring me to follow my dreams.”
I’m in the middle of my life and feel like I’ve just discovered who I am. Its sincere messages like this one that confirms heaven’s divine timing. I was meant to find this gift when it was the right time for me. It was not in my path to become an artist until much later in life. The past few years have been so eye opening and life changing. And, without intention my story is inspiring other women to acknowledge and explore their own dreams.
Remember, it’s NEVER too late to follow your heart.
I love being an artist. I know my paintings bring joy and it feels so good to be part of something joyful. Remember, it’s NEVER too late to follow your heart. I was 55 when I began painting. Every day spent in my petite studio is a true blessing and a channel for my soul to sing.
Visit Mary Mirabel’s website
I am 52 and started painting three years ago when I broke my foot. I was so bored so I took some old flower pots, got some acrylic paint and started playing around, I had never even drawn anything before. My dad and his mother were both amateur artists with talent but I’d never thought about it but I enjoyed it. I later got into Water color, I’ve done many tutorials and done well. I’ve been fearful of stepping outside of tutorials and doing my own. I’m thinking I should try acrylics, maybe I’d feel more confident with them, watercolor is beautiful but tricky. Any advice? Should I look at trying to find classes near me or what?
Shawna, Thank you for visiting our website and sharing your comment. Yes, absolutely you could check out locale classes. Here’another great idea… You can learn about how to paint by watching videos created by top professional artists — all for free — on youtube. Two of my favorite artists who use acrylic paint are Nancy Reyner and Sandra Lett. Go to and search their names and also search for “how to paint with acrylics”. The wonderful part about these videos is you can pause them and repeat! Have fun!
Wonderful suggestions Renee.
Mary, you are an inspiration! I love your story. Yes, 55 is an angel prompt number for change, in good ways. We have had some similar experiences. So wonderful to read your story. Keep painting my friend, and know that there are others who are uplifted by your words, and more important, your heart. You deserve the best!
Hello Teri,
I can’t thank you enough for the very kind words. They brought a huge smile to my heart. I’m so happy my story touched you.
I’m right there with ya, talented lady! I didn’t start my creative journey until I was 44yo. I always tell folks that it is never too late to start a new path in life. You just have to start 😀
May 2018 be a phenomenally creative and successful year for us both! 😀
Shan Fannin
Hi Shan,
Thank you so much for the very kind words. You brought a huge smile to my face. It’s so nice to know there are many others just like us following our dreams.
Wishing you all the best,
Thank you so much Renée for this wonderful opportunity. It is my joy if someone finds inspiration in my story. Thank you for all you do for artists everywhere.
Warmest regards,
Mary Mirabal