About Janice Phelps Williams: Janice creates uplifting nature-inspired art with a delightful profusion of joyful colors, engaging organic forms, rhythmic compositions, and inspirational messages.
Janice’s creative versatility spans a variety of styles and media. Most recently the interior landscape of her imagination has captured her interest to the delight of viewers and collectors. She is also proficient in book design and illustration, creates many commissioned paintings, and paints landscapes and pet portraits.
Artwork Shown Here is From Janice’s Portfolio/Series: “A Beautiful World”
Price Range: $250-$2500
All rights reserved. Do not reproduce images without the artist’s permission.

About Janice’s ebullient art she states, “There are few things as magical as taking a piece of paper and creating something interesting and colorful on its blank, white surface. Thinking of the nuances of color, shape, and line can hold my interest for hours as with each mark I consider something — life, love, loss or hope.”

One of Janice’s uplifting narrative digital drawings “A Beautiful Home” was selected for the Manhattan Arts International “Love, Peace, Unity & Hope” 2025 Invitational Exhibition. Janice has also participated in exhibitions organized by The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS including “The Healing Power of Art Inspired by Nature” 2024 Exhibition.
Janice’s art is presented in articles on this website including “Art With the Magical Color Blue by Contemporary and Historical Artists” and “Many Shades of Green in Art by Artist Members & Master Artists”.

Beginning in her early teens, Janice was introduced to artist-mentors who encouraged a shy girl who loved nature. Before entering college, she attended a two-week plein air painting camp as the youngest participant.
Next, she was introduced to nationally-known artists for two summers at the Kent Blossom Art Intensive and subsequently earned a BFA in Studio Art from Kent State University.

Janice taught art to children of all ages in a private school and also to adults via Art of Ohio seminars in watercolor, altered books, and artist trading cards.
She is also the author of Emmeline Grant and the Monstrous Beesh, a fantasy novel with 53 illustrations.

Janice Phelps Williams’s Artist’s Statement: “I like to think every piece I create is infused with gratitude for those who supported or taught me, who commissioned or collected my work, and believed in my dreams. Every line, shape, color, and shade originates in nature. With no mechanical help or instruction, Mother Nature creates perfect symmetrical designs, as well as wild, random shapes.”
Janice adds, “Inspiration is everywhere: outdoors, in the sky, in the sea, and through telescopes and microscopes. One human can only touch the surface of all Nature offers, yet to try is to begin to understand a small portion of everything, and understanding leads to love.”
Fascinating Facts About Janice: Janice is married to a writer and they live with their dog, Annie. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Janice painted designs on rocks and donated them to healthcare workers.
Visit Janice Phelps Williams’s Website janicephelpswilliams.com
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