An Inspirational Message from Ober-Rae Starr Livingstone
When you visit the website of artist Ober-Rae Starr Livingstone,, you are greeted with breathtaking paintings that lift you to a place of bliss and serenity. You will also find his equally inspirational words on his website and his social media messages. He extends a hand overflowing with hope, peace, love and solace when we need it the most. He recently posted the following message on his Facebook page and because it resonates with the pure intentions of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS, I asked him for permission to share it with you. Whatever happens to be your source or method of creativity, I’m sure his words will enlighten and empower you. Please share this with others. ~ Renée Phillips

Sometimes we get so immersed in everyday life or even the physical aspect of getting the paint onto the canvas, that we lose sight of why we do what we do and why it is important. Artists working in any medium continue the ageless desire to express physically the thoughts and feelings that move us – the beauty we see, the joys or frustrations of life, the anger we feel at the misuse of power, or the hope we experience when a kindness is extended that exposes the true heart of humanity.
I said recently, in an interview (on the Renee Phillips, The Artrepreneur Coach website), that The Arts have always been, and will always be, an essential avenue of expression to overcome perceived differences and unite peoples all over the world in the desire to celebrate beauty and tell stories of the heart through images, movement, and sound. Stories that shine a light on the oneness of all people everywhere.
So I believe that we have a responsibility, whether we believe that we have chosen art or that art has chosen us, to hold the vision of the importance of the gift we have been given and to honor that gift with all of our creative work. A difficult task in a world that so often seems to be in conflict and despair. But remember that the way we view the world enters into our creative expression and that expression can move people so much that it is capable of bringing forth a healing of the heart and soul. A healing that is much needed in the world today.
Let’s not just keep our chins up…. let’s keep our hopes up!
Visit Ober-Rae Starr Livingstone’s website
Ober-Rae, you inspire me to continue with my art. I have been teaching groups on how art is healing. I share my testimony with people who are suffering from abuse to major illnesses. I talk about how my art saved my life. I know that I could continue talking about this, but maybe another time. Your art is beautiful.😊
Thank you Teri for taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate your kind words and support – and thank you also for your photography and inspiring others with you creative expression.
Beautiful, tranquil paintings and inspiring messages. Thank you for sharing your art, your gifts, with us all Ober-Rae. Blessings