By Dr. Shanali Perera MBBS, MRCP
Editor’s note: A few days ago Dr. Shanali Perera from the U.K. sent me an email and expressed her interest in sharing her story with The Healing Power of ART community. It’s a pleasure to present her article “My Experience With Digital Art in Pain and Illness Management”. Dr. Perera’s message is personal and powerful about how creating digital art has served as a healing modality and pain management tool. She is a staunch advocate for promoting art for generating wellness. Her mission has huge potential to improve the lives of many people around the world who suffer from chronic pain and the emotional challenges they have to endure.
Please write your comment below and share this important article.

I am based in Manchester, UK and currently a patient under the care of Rheumatology services at the Manchester Royal infirmary. I use digital applications for artwork to cope with pain, illness experience and adjust to living with vasculitis, a long-term illness. Prior to ill health retirement, I was a Rheumatology specialist trainee doctor and this has indeed been a transformative experience both personally and professionally.
Present day represents the Digital age where Digital technology is empowering patients to better engage with self-management of their long-term conditions (LTC). Digital healthcare is continually changing the world at an ever-increasing pace.
Why not put this into wider use in the context of self-management of chronic illnesses and raise awareness?

Through my digital art, I aim to engage interest and generate wider awareness on the use of creative expression as a tool to face some of the functional limitations and challenges imposed by chronic illnesses by sharing my personal experience with creativity and digital art as both a medic and a patient. I am keen to tell others of my experiences as they might benefit from incorporating art or similar ways into their own healing.
People with certain disorders not only have to deal with the general disability of the chronic illness, but also the physical limitation of expressing the “art” that is in their mind.

On repeated use my hands become numb and painful, pain radiating to my shoulders. I found the use of digital medium my adaptation as it enabled me to use light touch with minimal effort and alternate hands. Less pain and fatigue became apparent in my hands and arms compared to using a paintbrush on canvas or charcoal or paper.
For me, artistic expression was a means of self-exploration to convey how I was feeling. I found expression through Art not only represents symbolic aspects of coping but visually demonstrates the many facets of emotions and degrees of pain I felt at various points in time. This really helped me to keep the fun side alive and regain a degree of control. This newfound freedom to explore myself through the world of colours and inner creative space, gave rise to my present work.
Art is a tool for positive reinforcement and reflective thinking for me. I managed to achieve a semblance of normality by starting to set more realistic goals and standards for me around my limitations.
Medication addresses the physical dimension but addressing the spiritual and emotional dimensions is also an integral part of the healing. I found that mindfulness through art gives me a sense of inner peace and strength to cope. By tapping into my inner creativity and finding that despite some challenging physical and emotional circumstances, there’s still beauty within unpleasant situations.

I feel that this aspect to self-care isn’t advocated to its full potential. I aim to utilise my work to engage interest in relevant parties towards the therapeutic benefits of creating can have on a person with functional limitations due to various long-term medical conditions.
Especially with the use of the digital art medium, how exploring the creative side to cope with daily challenges can be a constructive as well as an enjoyable pursuit given the plethora of life altering changes brought on by these conditions. There is a positive impact this form of self-expression has on self-identity and self-worth.
I would very much like to raise awareness and generate a wider interest around this subject among patients, caregivers as well as health professionals and the general public. I am advocating the use of creativity to cope with long term illnesses to a wider audience.
Visit Dr. Shanali Perera’s website
The digitized art shows what a truly amazing and inspiring person you are. This helps someones think and cope pain in a different way. Helping others cope with physical and mental pain shows how kind and generous you are. Creating awareness through your own experiences is a beautiful message. You are a beautiful person inside and out. Always shown it through your personality even at a young age when I first met you as teenagers in high school. I am blessed to call you a friend of mine and hoping to catch up soon in the future. So inspiring! Best wishes, xox
Wish you the best in your journey to deliver the message to people around the world who will benefit by it to cope with pain management. And to improve their quality of life both and mentally.
Very proud of you
I have always thought that ‘digitizing’ shows things in an artificial way. But, your art proves that it can show inner feelings. Thank you for showing a way to relieve any kind of pain.
Shan, may you have the strength to beat all odds.
Wonderful and inspiring……So proud of you, Shan…..
Thanks Upeckha.
“Art is a tool for positive reinforcement and reflective thinking for me.” I was struck by this sentence as I had never thought of art as a means of reflective thinking. Journaling, yes. Writing Haiku, yes, But art? No. Thank you for opening my eyes to something new. Best of luck with this journey of yours, Dr. Perera.
Thanks Naren. This angle of art not automatically thought of as a means of reflective thinking, never crossed my mind – thank you for pointing it out. Research looks into the whole process both creative and analytical involved in generating the end product and how it uses both sides of the brain, the imagination,logic,visual and fine motor coordination etc that brings about this sense of fulfilment. I guess achieving some form of mindfulness helps to reflect more ? Shanali
Wow!! I had never thought of this angle before and I can see that you explored and found an interesting and creative way to deal with your pain. I have chronic pain too and multiple health complications. A chat would be great.
Thanks Evelyn. I hope this angle opens up a new tool to explore for your pain management. It certainly is great to take the focus away, even for a short period and adds in the fun factor. Happy to have a chat. Very best. Shanali
A truly inspirational article that made me think about how I can use art with daily stress and difficulties in life. All the best with your aim to engage more people to try this tchnique Dr Shanali Perera.
Thank you – I am so glad to hear this and hope it brings out the fun factor adding a bit of colour when things get gloomy. Very best. Shanali