Hundreds of Visuals, Quotes, Facts, Resources and Links
In our efforts to raise awareness about how art serves as a catalyst for enhancing the well-being of individuals, society and the environment, we provide several hundreds of Resources for you.
The Healing Power of ART Gallery

Are you looking for special artists who create positive and thought-provoking art work? This unique online gallery features dozens of artists who create art with a special emphasis on healing or to raise awareness about important issues. Visit now.
Art Reviews of Contemporary Artists
Read about extraordinary Featured Artists on this website. These artists create distinctive works of art that have positive, healing attributes and they raise our awareness and spirits. Artists are invited to apply to have an Art Review published on our website. Visit now.
Art & Healing Organizations
More than 100 Art & Healing Organizations & Programs
Regional, national and international non-profit art and healing organizations that use art and art programs to help individuals, their communities, and society at large. This comprehensive directory provides descriptions of the organizations as part of their mission statements and links to their websites. Visit now.
Articles About World Changers
We applaud and promote individuals and organizations that serve other individuals and communities through art and healing related programs. Find all articles.
Art Exhibitions Feature Artists from Around the World
We organize a few exhibitions every year open to all artists from around the world. Each online exhibition features at least 50 artists. Themes have included “The Healing Power of ART Inspired by NATURE” and “The Healing Power of Color” and “Love, Peace, Unity & Hope”. Visit Our Exhibitions Page.
Visit Our Call for Artists page.
Art & Quotes By Famous Artists
You’ll find inspirational art and quotes in this ever expanding resource. Visit now.
Eco-Art and Environmental Organizations
Articles about eco-artists and organizations focused on raising awareness about the environment and preservation. Find all articles.