We have had a remarkable year promoting art as a powerful catalyst for positive change for individuals, society and the environment. As we reflect upon our time together we want to express our gratitude to all of you for your interest, participation and loyalty. On this site you’ll read about creative people achieving triumph over tragedy, the missions behind art and healing programs, where to find valuable art-healing resources, and how compassionate creative individuals help victims of abuse, mental and physical illness, trauma, homelessness, aging and so much more. Our ongoing series include Artists Stories, World Changers, Eco-Art and Artists, and Art in Healthcare. You will find an inspirational online art gallery and you can view online art exhibitions. In case you missed a few of the hundreds of articles that appear on this site I’d like to share with you some of the most popular articles on The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS during the past 12 months.
In addition to revisiting these articles, please also roam the website, use the search the site box and if you’re not already a subscriber go here to sign up.
Praise for The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS
Since we launched this website in 1015 HPAA has become one of the most popular positive art related websites on the Internet. As internationally recognized arts writer Edward Rubin states about The Healing Power of ART website, “It’s filled with awe-inspiring essays. Hope, optimism and beautiful thoughts is just what is needed to remind us that there is still good in the world and that all is not lost.” Dr. R. Goldman wrote, “As a healthcare practitioner I rely on resources like yours. I am a subscriber and bought your ebook. Keep up the wonderful work you’re doing.” Artist Joan Metcalf shared, “This website has made me even more aware of the vast variety of creativity by talented artists and it has expanded my appreciation of art.” Read comments about HPAA.
The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS Online Art Gallery
We are proud to present our curated online art gallery. This resource is for art buyers, gallery directors, curators, art consultants, healthcare program advisers, and the general public seeking to exhibit and/or purchase art that has positive, uplifting and healing qualities. Visit the art gallery
Art Enhances Brain Function and Well-being
There is an increasing amount of scientific evidence that proves art enhances brain function. It has an impact on brain wave patterns and emotions, the nervous system, and can actually raise serotonin levels. Art can change a person’s outlook and the way they experience the world. Read art-and-the-brain
Art & Quotes by Famous Artists
As we take a glance through the art history annals we discover a wealth of insightful art and quotes by famous artists. This page has been created to bring you information and inspiration. You’ll find images and quotations that are positive and healing and find a YouTube video of Art and Quotes by Famous Artists. Read art-and-quotes-by-famous-artists
Quotes About the Benefits of Art
You will love this collection of positive quotes about the benefits of art. We have comprised a powerful collection that includes a wide variety of artists and leaders who share our beliefs and vision — that art is a catalyst for positive change. For instance, Florence Nightingale wrote, “Variety of form and brilliancy of color in the object presented to patients are an actual means of recovery.” Read benefits-of-art
Our Bond With Nature Exhibition
This past year we presented 3 different theme exhibitions which have been widely appreciated and viewed by several thousand visitors. Leading as the most visited exhibition has been “Our Bond With Nature” October 25 – December 25, 2018, featuring 66 artists from around the world. These artists are helping to raise awareness about the miraculous beauty in the natural world and our need to honor, protect and preserve it. Read about our-bond-with-nature-exhibition
Nature and Environmental Resources For Artists
This article provides information and resources to help artists get exposure for their nature-inspired art, learn more about environmental art, and find ways to express their concerns about the environment.
Read nature-and-environmental-resources-for-artists.
What is Environmental Art?
You’ll find many articles on this website about art and the environment, since the mission of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS is based on caring deeply about raising awareness about art that has a positive impact on individuals, society and the environment. This article offers a clear explanation about Environmental Art. Read what-is-environmental-art?

The Healthcare Art Market Needs Art
If you’re an artist who creates art with positive images you may be interested in selling your art in the ever growing Healthcare Art Market. This includes wellness centers, medical facilities, general hospitals, pediatric medical spaces, senior residences, acute care hospitals, surgery centers…
Read the-healthcare-art-market-needs-art.
Art & Healing Organizations & Programs
Regional, national and international non-profit art and healing organizations use art and art programs to help individuals, their communities, and society at large. They work tirelessly to advocate positive change in the world. Please note: Most of the descriptions of the organizations came from their mission statements on their websites. Please visit their websites for additional information. Visit the art-and-healing-organizations-directory
Drawing Funny Pictures to Help Kids Heal
Drawn To Help is an organization created by artist Steve Barr to supplement existing art programs at hospitals, camps and treatment facilities around the country. This outstanding organization helps arrange “celebrity” appearances by successful cartoonists and talented artists who want to improve children’s lives. This article has motivated and inspired countless readers. Read drawing-funny-pictures-to-help-kids-heal.
Reminder About The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS Website
Our ongoing series include Artists Stories, World Changers, Eco-Art and Artists, and Art in Healthcare. You will find an inspirational online art gallery and you can view online art exhibitions.
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