If you’ve been following us for a while you know this is the place to find the kinds of stories that lift your spirits, provide hope, and inspire you to bring your special gifts for positive change in the world. We love writing about world changers such as Lily Yeh and her non-profit organization Barefoot Artists, Adarsh Alphons, founder of ProjectArt, Jan Papirmeister and her Youth Art For Healing, and Elaine Poggi, and her foundation Photo/Art in Hospitals, among many others. After reading this post please return and click on their names to read about them.
Dwayne Szot realized all kids share a love for creating art but not all children are physically capable, especially if they are confined to a wheelchair. Szot is founder and president of Zot Artz – Arts For All has transformed what might be perceived as obstacles into unlimited possibilities. This incredible artist, engineer and designer has dedicated himself to inventing tools that help all children experience the freedom and excitement to create art. In 1990. with a grant from the Endowment for the Arts, Szots built the first painting wheelchair, “Project Mobility”. Since then an array of multifaceted creative tools have been introduced and put into use by individuals, schools, museums and other public venues.
Dwayne Szots grew up in a mid-western foster home with a foster brother and sister who had Cerebral Palsy. As he watched them, and other children and adults face their unique challenges he was motivated to make a difference. His childhood observations and experiences served as the catalyst for Zat Artz and make creativity accessible to everyone.
A complete line of adaptive art tools and technology products created by Zot Artz can transform a person’s mobility device into tools that can create huge brush or chalk strokes. There are also Pogo Paint Poles, handheld rollers, sponge templates and other devices to ensure accessibility on a broad scale. These tools are available to teachers, therapists, residential providers, hospitals, parks, and other facilities that bring art experiences to children. They make creating art fun for everyone. Also, the Zot Artz tools and facilitated art events entertain and teach children at different events such as fairs, fundraisers, and festivals.
Dwayne Szots has stated, “Rather than finding ways for people with disabilities to participate in activities for non-disabled people, we create entirely new activities and projects for people with disabilities and invite those without disabilities to join in.”
In giving praise for Zot Artz, Lynn Walsh, Manager of Guest Access and Inclusion, Chicago Children’s Museum, stated, “Chicago Children’s Museum believes play is the right of every child. It is our mission to provide multimodal play and learning opportunities that accommodate different interests, styles, and needs. With the help of Zot Artz equipment we are able to offer inclusive art experiences to all of our visitors.”
Visit the Zot Artz website at zotartz.com
Learn how you can either help or get started with Zot Artz – Arts For All: Zotartz.com/Getting-Started.html
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