One of the most satisfying experiences as a writer is to be approached by artists who create uplifting works of art and wish to have me write an Art Review for them. Shirley Wallitsch is an artist from New Jersey who creates joyful oil paintings. She requested I write about her art for her to use for her website and promotional use. I was more than happy to accommodate her. Shirley’s artwork is so full of healing and light that I decided to share some of it with you and the Art Review I wrote for her.
Her Art Exudes An Infectious Enthusiasm
As an artist Shirley Wallitsch exudes an infectious and unbridled enthusiasm and shares her affinity with the natural world. Her oil paintings emanate a resounding vibrant medley of rhythm, colors and forms. Textural qualities applied with confidence and spontaneity bring a luscious depth, dimension, and luminosity to her work.
Summer Garden, oil on canvas, 40″ x 42″
Shirley is a color virtuoso who has mastered a treasure trove of chromatic and tonal ranges. Her expansive artistic vision is enhanced by her skillful use of stylistic expressions, gestural painting methods, different methods including splatters and mark-making. She delightfully embraces aspects of Realism, Impressionism and Abstraction.
Stars, mountains, flowers, and minerals spark her creativity and meld with her innate positive spirit that immediately lifts our moods. Not satisfied with merely replicating nature Shirley emphasizes the symbolic and emotional sensations that exist within the natural world.
Connections, oil on canvas, 30″ x 40″
Small symphonies dance throughout Shirley’s paintings as both micro and macro worlds coexist. She brings an exciting world of abundant possibilities to life before our eyes and minds.
In her geometric abstractions we are propelled into the exhilarating juxtapositions of advancing and retreating forms. She creates a visual dynamic interplay of harmonies, contrasts, and synchronicity. “Triumph” resounds a kaleidoscopic spirit of celebration.
Triumph, oil on canvas, 44″ x 68″
Shirley unites her joie de vivre with her creative talent. Her versatility is plentiful, and she offers many surprises for us to discover and explore.
Visit Shirley Wallitsch’s website:
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