Steevie Jane Parks creates awe-inspiring, multi-layered abstract paintings. She is highly proficient in applying the dynamics of color theory and integrates a range of hues with organic and curvilinear elements. Her art combines her many artistic skills with intuition and engages viewers visually and viscerally.
The artist’s background in Clinical Psychology contributes to her profound insight into the science of color and the healing potential it has on our minds and emotions.

Steevie deftly composes varying shapes and forms that evoke spontaneity and sensations of continuity, harmony, and infinite possibilities. She arouses feelings of interconnectedness through rhythmic undulations and circular motifs. Her use of overlapping spatial planes envelop both the microcosm and macrocosm. Tactile brushwork further increases depth and dimension.
The titles of Steevie’s paintings are in perfect alignment with her images and their life-affirming messages. Two examples are “Gratitude” and “Healing”. The soft palette, luminosity and meditative qualities calm the mind and lull us into states of peaceful contemplation.

Steevie’s vibrant painting “Creativity” awakens our inner spirit. Symbolic forms and contrasting colors emphasize dynamism and intensity. The mesmerizing glowing forms conjure visions of stained glass and kaleidoscopes.
Biomorphic elements also enliven many of Steevie’s paintings. However, they transcend their physical details in favor of illuminating their intrinsic essence. Her animated references to patterns from the natural world are often inspired by painting en plein air. Her use of contoured human forms reflect her innovative interpretation of a developed knowledge of anatomy.

Through her art Steevie brings joyful healing energy and ignites our aspirations to evolve individually and interpersonally. It has been an honor to present her art in “The Healing Power of Color” 2023 and the Manhattan Arts International “HerStory” 2023 juried exhibitions.
Visit Steevie Jane Park’s website
This Art Review was written by Renee Phillips, Director and Curator, Manhattan Arts International and The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS, New York, NY
Beautiful words to describe my feelings and sense of wonder as I gaze upon Steevie’s works.
Thank you so much Bonnie! So glad you like my paintings!