Susan Jarecky creates breathtaking, awe-inspiring paintings that are imbued with extraordinary luminosity. She extols the many sublime virtues of the American West and shares her reverence for the natural world.

Her spiritually uplifting paintings may be defined as visual poetry. She captures reflected colors of water ripples, transient effects of light, and tactile surface patterns that exude feelings of enlightenment, harmony and balance.
Susan’s paintings have powerful healing qualities. Her sun-kissed, flowing brooks and waterfalls immediately refresh and restore us. Her meandering paths and undulating hills take us to new expansive horizons. She delivers hope to us with majestic mountains and trees stretching their graceful limbs into clear blue skies. She comforts and calms us with her views of cattle grazing in fields beside glorious iconic red barns.

As a Contemporary Impressionist Susan applies expressive brushstrokes that enliven her paintings with tactile exuberance and bring an eloquent flow to her compositions. With a superior color palette she captures the range of light and shadow as it changes throughout the day and the seasons.
Susan has an extensive range of aesthetic prowess. She is a masterful en plein air painter which she pairs with copious amounts of studio practice, and photography and her expertise in drawing and design. She is proficient in a variety of mediums including oil, acrylic, watercolor and mixed media.

Her artistic versatility also extends to her range of subjects that include cowboys, still life and more. She applies these attributes when creating her art and also paints many customized works of art on commission for individuals and businesses.
Susan’s art satiates our longing for simplicity and peace of mind. Her emotional bond with nature was formed at a young age growing up in a rural environment and she continues to convey the inherent natural beauty that has always inspired her. She shares her inner joy and reverence for nature with her many collectors and admiring viewers.
Visit Susan Jarecky’s website
This Art Review was written by Renee Phillips, Director and Curator, Manhattan Arts International and The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS, New York, NY
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