Elaine Poggi is a photographer and founder of the Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals and one of our "World Changers". The Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals, Inc., was incorporated as a non-profit organization in the United States in November 2002. The unique mission of the Foundation is “to place large, framed photographs of nature and beautiful places from around the … [Read more...]
Terri Albanese Presents “A Garden of Gratitude” Healing Exhibition
Artists throughout the world have responded to the pandemic in extraordinary ways. One of them is Terri Albanese, an artist who creates breathtaking healing art in glass in a unique style. She has won many accolades which include being selected by Ohio's First Lady, Karen W. Kasich and the Ohio Arts Council as Ohio's Spotlight Artist. Her glass paintings can be found in … [Read more...]
LEED is Gaining Popularity in Design and Art
LEED is the acronym for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. It plays a significant role in directing green design of new and future homes and medical facilities with incentives and ratings awarded for sustainability and environmental protection. It is one of the most popular green building certification programs used worldwide. As our demand for sustainable design is … [Read more...]
Getting Started in The Healthcare Art Market
Editor’s note: Barbara Markoff is the owner of Artrageous! in San Diego, California, an industry leader in the field of art consultation and the healthcare art market. She has a diverse clientele and regularly works with business owners, high-level executives, architects, project managers, interior designers, and administrators to develop art programs specifically tailored to … [Read more...]
The Positive Benefits of Art Using The Art and Science of Feng Shui
If we want to improve our lives having an understanding of the positive benefits of art using the art and science of Feng Shui can be extremely helpful. In this article you'll learn some basic facts about the history of Feng Shui, an ancient art and science that originated more than 3,000 years ago in China. First, An Introduction Into The History of Feng Shui Feng Shui is … [Read more...]
Art For Healthcare: Connecting The Kinesthetic With The Aesthetic
Meg Black is internationally recognized and among the few artists working with natural fibers. Her landscapes, seascapes, New England scenes and garden views have attracted many private collectors, corporations and members of the healthcare industry. In this article she explains her unique artistic vision and insight about creating art for healthcare. We are delighted to share … [Read more...]