About Bren Sibilsky: Bren Sibilsky is a sculptor in the style of classical representation with baroque undertones who excels in creating full standing figures, equestrian statues, portraits, and reliefs. She pushes classical subjects to daring emotive heights. Bren's Art Shown Here is from Her Portfolio: "Figures, Equestrian Statues, Portraits and Reliefs" Price Range: … [Read more...]
Beautiful Brown in Art by Famous Artists and Our Members
As part of our ongoing series of exhibitions devoted to different colors and their healing impact on us, this online exhibition "Beautiful Brown in Art by Members" features art by several of our artist members in which shades of brown are prevalent. In the introduction you'll find art created with a predominance of brown by some major artists from the past. Throughout this … [Read more...]
Artist Members Share Their Inspiration With Us
We're sorry. the original article no longer exists here. However, we plan on adding updates in 2025. Here is a sneak preview. Bren Sibilsky "I was given a booklet by local artist historian Jim Sustman. The booklet was the history of the Potawatomi people, written by the Tribal Spiritual Leader, Earl J. Meshigaud Sr. The story entailed the struggle, resilience and hope of … [Read more...]
Art About Love, Peace, Harmony and Unity by Artist Members
It's easy to get distracted by the loud noises of negativity and forget that there is so much goodness in the world. To help you get back on the positivity mindset, I am happy to present this wonderful visual presentation of art about love, peace, harmony and unity by artist members. Their statements are also inspiring. The artists you'll find in our online art gallery … [Read more...]
Fascinating and Fun Facts About Our Artist Members Part I
The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS members are multi-talented and multi-dimensional individuals whose interests and experiences extend beyond their art studios and also have impacted them creatively. In this article you'll discover fascinating and fun facts about our artist members. This is Part I of a series. Also read Fascinating and Fun Facts About Our Artist Members … [Read more...]
Fantastic Flora and Fauna by Member Artists
In this inspirational presentation view some fantastic images of flora and fauna by several members of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS. The common phrase "flora and fauna" covers just about every visible living thing in the natural world. The word "flora" comes from the Latin name of Flora, the goddess of plants, flowers, and fertility in Roman mythology. The word … [Read more...]