Kristen Palana is an American/Portuguese interdisciplinary artist, based in Rome, Italy. She is world renowned for creating transcendent, “Sacred Geometry” meditative, healing works of art. Kristen brings the ancient art form of Sacred Geometry as a healing modality to the contemporary realm with her stunning versatility and distinctive creative vision. A transformative … [Read more...]
Janice Phelps Williams
About Janice Phelps Williams: Janice creates uplifting nature-inspired art with a delightful profusion of joyful colors, engaging organic forms, rhythmic compositions, and inspirational messages. Janice's creative versatility spans a variety of styles and media. Most recently the interior landscape of her imagination has captured her interest to the delight of viewers and … [Read more...]
Luba Shapiro Grenader Creates Transformative 3-D “Soul Weavings”
Luba Shapiro Grenader conveys profound insight into human psychology through her visceral, thought-provoking 3-d series titled “Soul Weavings: Transcending Through Deconstruction and Renewal.” She communicates a myriad of complex truths about human existence. Mixed media wall sculptures, partially free-standing pieces, and “sculptures in the round” comprise her compelling … [Read more...]
Rajul Shah
About Rajul Shah: Rajul Shah moved to Japan in 2012 after retiring from her first career in healthcare. She trained extensively across all media including sumi-e/Nihonga for 7 years between the Tokyo Campus of Temple’s Tyler School of Art and Professional/Studio workshops. In 2019 she moved to Singapore and now works between Singapore and the U.S. Her healing art immediately … [Read more...]
Therese Boisclair
About Thérèse Boisclair: Inspired by a desire to express the beauty of the natural world, Thérèse Boisclair captures the atmospheric sensations of landscapes in alluring abstract works of art. The artist enjoys combining the bold colors of acrylic painting with the fragility of tissue paper to achieve a myriad textures, unexpected patterns, and varied translucent … [Read more...]
Fadia Haddad Jawdat Creates Beautiful and Profound Narrative Works of Art
Fadia Haddad Jawdat is a remarkable storyteller with a profound artistic vision. Her art is infused with meaningful visual concepts that evoke myriad visceral and thought-provoking interpretations. With compelling beauty and insight she conveys personal memories about living in the Middle East and observations about the often-complex human experience. With unerring … [Read more...]
Eco-Artist Natalie Oliphant Transforms Recycled Materials Into Life-Affirming Sculptures
Natalie Oliphant is an important eco-artist who lives in Canada. She has an extraordinary talent for transforming body forms and mannequins and other discarded items into new life-affirming sculptures. Destined for obscurity in landfills that harm our environment found objects become mixed media works of art that resonate with symbolic and metaphorical references. They will … [Read more...]
Creative and Eco-Conscious Artists Who Use Recycled Materials
For many artists using recycled materials is an aesthetic choice filled with infinite creative possibilities. It is also a responsible decision they have made because they care about sustaining our planet's resources. Here, I share art by creative eco-conscious artists who use recycled materials in imaginative and thoughtful ways. They are Natalie Oliphant from Canada, Ana … [Read more...]
About Call For Artists “Inspirational Art in Mixed Media”
The Entry Submission Deadline was August 31, 2021 The exhibition took place September 20 - November 20, 2021 View Selections from the Exhibition Purpose Our online exhibitions attract thousands of viewers interested in art that is positive, uplifting and healing. We enjoy providing underrecognized artists widespread exposure to our international audience, direct more … [Read more...]
Artist Members Tell Us What They Love About Their Favorite Medium
Artists develop special relationships with their chosen mediums and it's exciting to know how and why they select the ones they do. An artist may choose a particular medium and remain with it for a lifetime, while other artists may begin new relationships as their artwork evolves. Each medium offers a myriad of different technical and creative advantages as well as … [Read more...]
The Healing Power of Color 2019 Exhibition
This online art exhibition May 6 - July 6, 2019 presented 55 artists who use color to enhance healing and a sense of well-being to viewers. Below you'll find a few works of art selected from the exhibition. "Color can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways." ~ Oscar Wilde About Us: The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS, an initiative of Manhattan Arts International, … [Read more...]
A Work of Art is Not Complete Until it is Shared
This heart-warming story by artist Meg Black ( illustrates so perfectly the truth - a work of art is not complete until it is shared. The Most Heartfelt Thank You I Ever Received In late December, I received a phone call from my friend Mary's husband. After a brief "how have you been, what's new" greeting, he got to the point, which seeing Christmas was just days … [Read more...]