View Some of the Art from “The Healing Power of ART Inspired by NATURE” presented January 1 – March 1, 2023
We believe that Art is an inspirational and powerful catalyst for healing individuals, society and the environment. “The Healing Power of ART Inspired by NATURE” online exhibition, January 1 – March 1, 2023 featured 96 artists, curated by Renee Phillips, Founder & Director of The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS and Manhattan Arts International, NYC, NY. More than 60 Special Recognition Art Awards were presented. Learn more here.
The purpose of the exhibition is to remind us about the unique and miraculous beauty of nature and our responsibility to honor, protect and preserve it. We each have the ability to create positive change.
View spectacular art and statements by some of the artists from the exhibition. Please visit the artists’ websites and contact them directly to purchase their art.
Copyright: All rights reserved. Do not reproduce images without the artist’s permission.
Richard Rosebery

I seek to capture poetic Nature, encapsulating a sense of place through my memory of the felt emotions of being there and resultant unconscious intuitions. I hope to instill in the viewer a sense of awe and a need to protect our amazing natural environments. My passion for detail is inherent in much of my work, where the whole is made up of so many wonderful parts. My lyricism of line accentuates the weirdness and beauty of our surrounding environs.
“The artist submits from day to day to the fatal rhythm of the impulses of the universal world which encloses him, continual centre of sensations, always pliant, hypnotized by the marvels of nature which he loves, he scrutinizes.” ~ Odilon Redon
“A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers but borrowed from his children.” ~ John James Audubon
Bren Sibilsky

I work with the alchemy of sculpture in the style of classical realism with emotional undertones. My art work is the reflection of my interests in nature and realism. “Visionary, Call to Spirit” is a healer who works with the natural world around him. Sculpted in the swirls of beads is the turtle and bear jaws, feathers and more. It is well for us to be in touch with the natural world.
“Man’s heart away from nature becomes hard.” ~ Standing Bear
Peter N. Van Giesen

I feel more spiritually alive when outside. Naturally, I am drawn to the mystery that is implicit in the natural world. Using paint, I create images based on the interplay between darkness and light, the interconnected aura of the natural world. When I paint it is if the veil of the common life is momentarily lifted allowing me to be embraced by the underlying essence of the universe. I attempt to reach into the fabric of the world exploring the dynamics of tension and elasticity.
“The ground we walk on, the plants and creatures, the clouds above constantly dissolving into new formations – each gift of nature possessing its own radiant energy, bound together by cosmic harmony.” ~ Ruth Bernhard
Sandra Duran Wilson

I am an observer and interpreter of nature. Where do I fit in this Universe and how do my actions dance with all the elements of nature? These are the questions I follow daily as I walk in my garden and explore the mountain trails of my home. I can also become a time traveler as I gaze at the stars in the night sky. The light that reaches me in this cosmic display is from millennia past.
“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” ~ Rachel Louise Carson
Barbara Brown

It’s the Beauty of Nature that feeds my soul and opens my heart wide. A sense of wonder comes over me upon seeing a beautiful sight in the forest where I walk daily. It excites my fancy and ignites a passion within me to share what I am seeing that inspires me so — hoping others might be so moved when they set eyes on my painting. Hoping I can convey that feeling of reverence, that others may feel it too.
“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” ~ John Muir
Mark Weller

The virtuosity of natural light is nature’s calling card. As an artist that uses a camera, I seek to document the euphoric illumination that the sun caresses upon nature in unexpected places and in unexpected ways. Like setting sunlight bouncing off golden autumn foliage and reflecting in a quiet Midwestern stream… or the radiance given off sand dune grasses the moment the morning sun clears the horizon. I am an artist that gives clarity to our grasp of nature.
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” ~ Albert Camus
Sandra Belitza-Vazquez

Nature is art, and as an artist, I choose from an endless array of subject matter to highlight the beauty I see there. I can discover a whole world in my backyard by looking closely and presenting my vision in artwork that awakens understanding and emotions like joy and pleasure and fosters a desire to conserve nature’s wondrous beauty for future generations. Nature is all around us, and I enable its discovery through my interpretive artwork.
“We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.” ~ Albert Einstein
“If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees.“ ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Nature-Inspired Art by Famous Artists

“In all things of Nature there is something of the marvelous” ~ Aristotle
“For most of history, man has had to fight nature to survive; in this century he is beginning to realize that, in order to survive, he must protect it.” ~ Jacques-Yves Cousteau
“There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” ~ Rachel Louise Carson

“I never saw a discontented tree. They grip the ground as though they liked it,
and though fast rooted they travel about as far as we do.” ~ John Muir
“The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.” ~ Rachel Louise Carson
“Nature contains the elements, in color and form, of all pictures, as the keyboard contains the notes of all music. But the artist is born to pick and choose… as the musician gathers his notes, and forms his chords, until he brings forth from chaos, glorious harmony.” ~ James Abbot McNeill Whistler

“…and then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?” ~ Vincent van Gogh
“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” ~ Rachel Louise Carson
“Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.” ~ John Ruskin

“The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and God… I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.” ~ Anne Frank
“The smallest flower is a thought, a life answering to some feature of the Great Whole, of whom they have a persistent intuition.” ~ Honore de Balzac
“The sun and the moon, the cedar and the little flower, the eagle and the sparrow: the spectacle of their countless diversities and inequalities tells us that no creature is self-sufficient. Creatures exist only in dependence on each other, to complete each other, in the service of each other.” ~ Pope Francis in his book “Enclyclical on Climate Change & Inequality”
“Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” ~ Albert Einstein

“And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.” ~ William Shakespeare
“When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
The ground we walk on, the plants and creatures, the clouds above constantly dissolving into new formations – each gift of nature possessing its own radiant energy, bound together by cosmic harmony. ~ Ruth Bernhard
Dear Renee,
Thank you very much Renee to include my artwork in this exhibition, I am very happy to see many great creative and stunning artworks from different part of the world! Cherishing the sounds of our nature.
Renee, Thank you for organizing this themed exhibit and accepting my entry. Seeing all the images together on a large screen computer is truly stunning. What a great way to start off 2023!
You’re welcome Silvina. I love your painting. Yes, I agree, the only way to view the exhibition is with a large size monitor and it is a wonderful way to begin the year. All the best to you in 2023!
Thank you Renee for the inclusion in this wonderful exhibition. A great array of different artists and styles all committed to the promotion of the natural world. Thank you for the inclusion!
Thanks for including me in this showing.
Wow Renee, you have put together a very strong collection of images that celebrate nature. Delighted to be included!
Mark Weller
Honoured to be chosen again for this year’s Healing Power of Art Inspired By Nature exhibition! So many wonderful images, so inspiring! Thank you!
What a stunning exhibit! Each work is a beautiful reflection of the healing powers of nature. Thanks so much for including my work along side this talented group of artists.
Thank You Renee for including me in this exhibit. Nature has given such great inspiration to so many and it is delightful to see them compiled in this exhibit.
This is a simply beautiful exhibition – so many wonderful artists to discover and whose work I can’t wait to explore. Thank you for curating and hosting this Renee!
Thank you so much Renne to have included me in this beautiful exhibit! I am feel very honored!
Beautiful! This exhibition is full of beauty and talented artists. The inspiration from nature shines through in all of the art presented. I’m grateful and honored to be included in this exhibition. A wonderful way to start 2023. Thank you, Renee for all you do.
Renee, I feel blessed to be part of this exhibition and amazed that each competition that you curate is more extraordinary than the last. I appreciate the work that you do to promote artists who resonate with nature and create memorable art. Thank you!
Dear Renee:
I would like to thank you for selecting my work into your Nature Exhibition. My Tree Series is very special to me, so it really means a lot.
Also, I find it incredible how so many artists from around the world have so many styles, media and interpretations, yet you bring them together so cohesively and with such professionalism. It is a joy to see all of the other artists’ pieces!
Thank you again, Renee.
All the best,
Tracy Ellyn
It is such a beautiful exhibition and I so happy to be part of it. Thank you . A very happy healthy New Year to all.
This exhibition is so alive with the beauty of Nature, and with so many diverse examples and styles. I am honored and grateful to be a part of it!
Hello Renee, Thank you, yes I agree with you its a lovely way to start off 2023! Happy New Year!
Aristotle said “In all things of Nature there is something of the marvelous” and Buddha shared “If you wish to know the Divine, feel the wind on your face and the warm sun on your hand”. Thank you Renee for providing an opportunity for artists to explore their relationship with Nature. It’s a beautiful exhibition and I am honored to be in the company of such a talented and diverse group of artists.
WOW! What a fantastic way to begin the year! Your selections are inspirational and make for an outstanding show. Thank you for including me and putting such colorful inspiration into our world !
This exhibit is stunning—such creative and innovative work. I am awed to be included in this group of artists. Thank you, Renee.
What a beautiful group of images! Thank you so much for including mine!