If you’re an artist who creates art with positive images you may be interested in selling your art in the ever growing Healthcare Art Market. Art is being installed in wellness centers, medical facilities, general hospitals, pediatric medical spaces, senior residences, acute care hospitals, surgery centers, medical office buildings, physicians’ offices, rehabilitation centers, and more, around the world. It’s also being placed in treatment centers, spas, corporate lobbies, educational facilities, yoga and meditation centers as an intentional way of bringing a more welcoming and comfortable presence to these spaces.
Experts who have been conducting extensive research over decades have concluded there are definite kinds of art, subject matter, colors and the like, proven to have the most positive benefits.
Barbara Markoff is the owner of Artrageous! in San Diego, California, an industry leader in the field of art consultation. Her diverse clientele includes many members of the healthcare industry. She wrote a very informative article on this website titled “Art in Healthcare is An Integral Part of The Design Plan”. In it she cites the many benefits of art in public spaces and the growth of this field.
“Art budgets are factored in when preliminary budgets for furniture, lighting, signage, floor and wall treatments, and other essential furnishings are presented to project managers during the early stages of construction. Artwork is no longer looked at as frivolous; it is an integral part of the design plan.”
She adds, “Public artwork serves many functions in healthcare facilities. Strategically placed artwork helps soothe and welcome patients and visitors. It also assists with wayfinding. Artwork helps clarify the boundaries of public and non-public areas of hospitals.”
Hello, it is so nice to bump into your website, Renee. Thank you for existing. Art became a big part of my healing and spiritual development journey and I am currently developing it into my passionpreneurship. Thank you for existing. I am finding the ways to combine it with my academic and mentoring background and other healing techniques for transformation and personal growth. I was supporting my own exhibitions and getting visible when I was still in academia, once I left, I’ve been struggling to find the way to support myself but not loosing my hopes for a further development!
Renee, Thanks for your helpful reply. Dave
Is there any way one could enter this field without having a website or blog?
Dave, There are many reasons why many of us agree that websites are an important and even necessary means of conducting business. However, if you don’t have one at this time and you want to enter the field, you could consider working for or partnering with someone who does have an established art consulting business and who maintains a professional website.
I would love to be part of this collective awareness…
I have a small studio in New Zealand which I open up to the community and encourage children and adults to find their creative language.
It is called Kapowai Studio where creativity takes flight.
I also have a Facebook page called Kapowai Studio.
Welcome Lucy to The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS. Thank you for sharing your artistic passion with your community. I “liked” your facebook page Kapowai Studio. Please consider submitting your art to “The Spirit of Resilience”.
About a year ago I purchased an e-book which was entitled How to sell to Healthcare or something like that. I keep it on my computer so that I could fine it when I need it. Last week my hard drive crashed and I lost my copy of the e-book. Would you please tell me how to find the link that I used to download it the first time. I was very pleased with that book and I sometimes like to refer to it. My name is Michael Sedam and I live in Fort Myers, Florida 33901.
Dear Michael, I’m glad you are pleased with “Sell Your Art in the Healthcare Art Market” an ebook you purchased in June, 2018. Today, I sent you an email with the most current revised version attached.
For anyone else interested in learning more about this ebook please visit https://www.renee-phillips.com/e-book-shop.
Hi, I thought you may be intrested in artist Olga Stamatiou and her work in the healthcare field over the years. Also, Olga has been on the road 24/7/365 with her non-profit called Seewall Child http://www.seewallchild.org
working with kids in rural lowincome areas with art abd play.
Thanks and best to you.
Hi Rocco, Thank you for your comment and letting us know about See Wall Child founded by Olga Stamatiou. We added the organization to our Resource Directory of Art & Healing organizations.