Carole Claude T. is an artist and writer whose quintessential artistic style embraces her powerful intuition and her innate talent as an imaginative storyteller. Her narratives comprise insights about the universe, spirituality, human experience, and nature. Her symbolic characters encompass messages about religion, literature, fables, allegory, and beguiling musings. You can read an Art Review I wrote here.
Carole, who lives in Australia, is also an author, writing under the name C.C. Saint-Clair. Her writings are in alignment with her artistic vision.
Carole Claude T. is a World Changer and Modern Sage
Carole as an important modern sage whose enlightening art and writings serve as catalysts for positive change now and will continue to inspire future generations.
It is an honor and pleasure to announce I have inducted Carole into our “World Changers” series. The many reasons include her contributions to humanity, waking us up from our frequent states of slumber and apathy, and selfish, narrow-minded beliefs and behavior.
Through our series of “World Changers” I hope readers will be inspired by such extraordinary people like Carole to also find ways to contribute to positive change in the world.

Carole generously donates proceeds from sales of her art prints to charities. She also offers her insightful ebooks for free download from her website.
With Carole’s permission I offer these excerpts from her ebook “Stepping Stones To The Top Of The World (The Great Forgetfulness)”. Among many things the ebook encourages us to examine nature’s healing attributes, our relationship with it and the impact of our actions.
I chose to highlight specific excerpts about nature in view of our annual “The Healing Power of Art Inspired by Nature” Invitational Exhibition, which features Carole’s artwork.
This article only touches the surface about Carole and her wealth of spiritual texts. At the end you will find a link to her art website and a link to learn more about her writings and free ebook downloads.
About Stepping Stones To The Top Of The World (The Great Forgetfulness)
Carole describes her “Stepping Stones” this way: “A collection of essays and mind-meanderings on how to attain mindfulness through an exploration of all matters of the heart.” She states, “People need to understand that life is not about what they wish to see happen in their lives. Life is what actually does HAPPEN to them, moment by moment.”
In her introduction Carole wrote, “I’ve always hoped that some bits of my mind-meanders might motivate a few people to truly jump onboard their metaphoric schooners and, in doing so, take a few others with them. And so on and so forth.”
Carole reminds us, “Every catalyst, every setback or blessing, regardless of its nature, is an invitation to address a karmic debt. Even though we, mere humans, have no way of guessing how or why we have merited any unanticipated debt or challenge, if we are unwilling to address the moment holistically – that’s the end of our personal evolution. Nothing and no one can alter either a karmic deadline or an unpreventable outcome. All we are karmically expected to do is deal with it from an accepting heart.”
Excerpts From Carole’s Motivational, Life-Changing Ebook
Carole wrote, “Nature ratchets it up yet another notch in severity when she tries to rein us back into thoughtfulness by creating events, acts of gods, as some call them for lack of a better explanation, that temporarily strip us of our livelihood and our home, and set back the regional and/or national economy. These are the heart-breaking opportunities designed to rewire our hearts by forcing us to rethink our priorities and our thinking, just as we rewire and reroof our homes and businesses after a super-cell storm or after a cordon of raging fires have finished their dance across our land. During such interventions by Nature, property is often destroyed on a large scale, animals die in massive numbers and horrible circumstances, but comparatively few human lives are lost.”
“…we should understand how collectively we have been contributing to the so-called unpredictable vagaries of life and weather…”

“Again, Nature’s objective, like that of a caring mother, is not to hurt for hurt’s-sake, let alone to kill us, but to make us sit up, bond in our shared sorrow and hardship to come out of it stronger, better, different – from the inside-out.”
“As we have become at times desensitised to violence and poverty, we risk becoming desensitised to the regular newsflashes alerting us to more Nature-made heartbreaks. Beyond ranking and comparing setbacks and catastrophes and their impact on us, it is important to understand that, while much of this may be due to global warming, we should understand how collectively we have been contributing to the so-called unpredictable vagaries of life and weather. We, aware people, should now interpret it as a global warning – karma awaits.”
Nature’s Mission “to push us well-beyond our comfort zones – to break us down so we can rebuild ourselves.”

Carole continues to remind us about the role of nature: “Its mission: to push us well-beyond our comfort zones – to break us down so we can rebuild ourselves. Until we do understand that nothing ‘just happens’, and until we implement many, many intentions and plans to earnestly address what needs to be redressed from the inside-out, the deadly and costly roll-out of catastrophes and disasters will keep rolling us over.”
Read an Art Review: “Carole Claude T. Enlightens Us As An Artist and Storyteller”
Visit Carole’s Website:
Learn more about Carole’s Writings and Find Out How to Download this Ebook:
Read About All of Our World Changers
Learn About Our “The Healing Power of Art Inspired by Nature” Exhibition
Here is another quote from one of my ebooks, Destination: Rainbow – “Assuming that Friedrich Nietzsche was right when he wrote that ‘Invisible threads are the strongest ties’, should 30% of humanity, one day become permanently ‘heart-minded’, that essential a critical mass of influence would assist the personal connection to merge and become infinite connections. And THAT would be a cultural – global – game changer.”
That essential ‘heart-mindedness’, Renee, is absolutely 100% what you demonstrate through the steady care and thoughtfulness with which you do ALL you can to amplify our voices … for the greater good. I/we cannot thank YOU enough for that :-))
Dear Carole, Thank you for your tremendous spirit of generosity and your kind words. I will try my best to live up to them. With appreciation and best wishes, Renee